Well, I'm sorry to say this, but I checked the code and the time value that updates the log file is hard coded. I had added the period to the properties file and added code to read it out, but at some point it was rewritten. I'm not sure I want to add the property back without some thought. I had cleaned up the code a bit and changed the temp notifications to be event based. Consumers subscribe to be notified about temp events. In stoker-webs case, a consumer is the browser, the log file class and the notification (alarm) classes, they each get notified of the event and do what they need to. Events are classified as timed or not, the log file class consumes timed temp events and all fan events. This is so temps are written every minute and fan events as they happen. This period also applies to the graph updates, so I don't want to add the setting back to quickly, because of the side effects it may have.
I'll have to think about how to incorporate the log file period change back into the code. I know someone else has also tried to change the value as well. One second does seem quite aggressive, that is even quicker than the stoker spits them out. Are you attempting to use the data elsewhere?
Thanks for your feedback. I had been thinking about it today, and I think I'm going to go for the dashboard type approach. If there are < 3 probes it will look the same, 3 or more and I'll put all the dials across with the settings hidden and the graph below. I think I'll also add the option to hide the graph, so if you want ed to see the temps from a dozen probes from 2 cookers, it would fit on one screen.