New oven, more pies


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
So, for the second time in my life, I was gifted a pizza oven for my birthday. This time, it is a Green Mountain Grills pizza oven that, while designed for their pellet grills, fits my RecTeq perfectly. I did a heat test yesterday just to get a feel for what stone temps I could get with various pit set temps. Setting the grill to 350° and letting it run for 30 minutes got the stone to a nice 700°, which, for me, is perfect......

So, since we have guests coming into town next week, and my wife has already promised them pizza, my youngest and I did a test run tonight. Used my usual dough, ran the grill up to temp and let the stone soak up the heat for 45 minutes. The pies were done on the bottom at 4:30, and a little "doming" of the pizzas in the arch of the oven got the tops to finish up nicely. I'm pretty happy with the first run, and shouldn't need to make too many tweaks to have it set up to my liking.

So, the pies..... First up, house favorite, Italian sausage, jalapeños (on half), drizzled with honey after cooking:


Next up was your standard pepperoni (I didn't get this skin quite as thin, so the crust was a little thick):


Side shot of the cornicione:


Both pies disappeared, so I guess they were at least "ok"! :)

I need a simple neopolitan dough recipe.
Oh and throw in a wood fired oven too okay.
Practice run was a great idea.
Ps one of our favorite pizzas (deep dish though) was sausage, fine chopped jalapeno, and crushed garlic. Yum
Beautiful results!! going to keep all us hanging on this "usual" dough....with results like that...I would love to get that recipe card!
I'd like the dough recipe too

I've posted it a few times before (don't tell Joan it's not in the recipes section...) :)

My dough

Formula for 1x280g dough ball

171g Flour (50/50 - AP/00)
104g Water
4.8g Salt
3g Olive Oil
.25g ADY

Mix until all ingredients are incorporated into a rough dough, then let rest covered in mixing bowl for 20 minutes. Knead for 5-10 minutes or until smooth and elastic, let rest in bowl @ room temp for 2 hours. Divide into 280g portions, form tight balls, place into oiled containers, cover and place into fridge. Remove from fridge 2-3 hours prior to intended cook time.
First off Happy Birthday! What did you cook for your Birthday dinner this year (or what are going to cook)? The pies look amazing. One of my major goals this summer is to up my pizza game. I am hoping to be able to pull it off with the equipment that I already have, but we will see.
First off Happy Birthday! What did you cook for your Birthday dinner this year (or what are going to cook)? The pies look amazing. One of my major goals this summer is to up my pizza game. I am hoping to be able to pull it off with the equipment that I already have, but we will see.
For the first time in a LONG time, I'm not cooking for my birthday this year. I'm taking the day off, and will spend it with my wife just puttering around the house. We are meeting up with friends at our local nano-brewery where they have a Pannini food truck for eats. 53 is not a milestone birthday, so just enjoying a nice, rainy day.
Michael, I don’t think it’s Rich G.’s birthday, it’s Rich Dahl’s birthday.
Yep, I think it is both!
Yes, in addition to sharing a first name, Rich Dahl and I also have the same birthday (though the years are different.) :)

Good Lord, I remember 53! I say congratulations!
I agree, the “5’s” and round ended ones are the more “celebratory” ones! I have a ”5” coming up.
Seems pretty nice for the price, any thoughts on the overall quality? Stone?
Overall quality looks fine. I didn't test the metal with a magnet, but it's supposed to be some flavor of stainless. I think the stone is of adequate thickness, and feels reasonably dense (not as dense as my mom's 50 year old stone I use for my bread, but dense enough.) I can't argue with the results, and I feel as though they are completely repeatable.

FYI, a number of people on the RecTeq forum (including my brother) bought these ovens as "open box returns" for a significant discount, and the items they received were new/unused and in original packaging, etc. I'll see if I can dig up some info on which sellers on eBay delivered well.


