New in Florida


Craig Alumbaugh

Hi to all, as you see my name is Craig and I live in Pensacola Florida. I have been grilling for many years and starting smoking about 6 years ago. First rig was a horizontal offset and I currently have a Masterbuilt 40" electric but I am getting ready to buy a WSM. Still a little confused on what size I want to get and have several questions that I will either do a search on or ask around on here. Thanks for letting me join a great site
Thanks for the welcomes. I am leaning towards the 22 but my research so far hasn't lead to know if I was to use the same amount of charcoal for a 6-7 hour smoke versus a 14+ hour smoke. I have read where some folks have mention getting the charcoal ring for the 18.5 but I didn't know if you could just put less in the 22's charcoal ring.

