New HM Build - 2 Issues



New member
Hey guys, I just got my HM kit in the mail today and have everything soldered up and working, almost...

I downloaded the Pit Droid app on my phone (Galaxy S7 Edge) and I'm able to see the HM temps when I'm connected to the home network. As soon as I turn off the WiFi on my phone, I am unable to connect. I'm guessing there is some configuration that needs to happen, but it's above my head.

Also, when I don't have any of the probes plugged in...this is what I'm getting.


When I plug in the thermocouple, this is what I'm getting.


Thank you in advance! :cool:
Not sure what's going on with your suspicion would start with crossed solder joints.

Networking... As part of network defense, I really hope (and your observation leads me to suspect this,) that you've got a hardware firewall running. The "Internet" is is really shorthand for inter-networking, describing how to connect a series of networks, using a protocol called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. This is pretty fundamental to how the basic structure of the Internet functions (yes, I'm ignoring DNS for any of the other geeks out there.) There's a common convention on the Internet that defines a series of specific networks that cannot be used visibly on the public Internet (RFC1918 Test Networks) that are used in Network Address Translation firewalls. NAT firewalls are useful in network security because outbound traffic is easy, inbound traffic is very specifically difficult. Now, in your case, you can see your HeaterMeter while your WiFi is on because you're on the same network. Once you turn WiFi off, you're on your cellular carrier's network, and outside your firewall (logically speaking.) Your firewall is doing it's job, and preventing you from getting to your HM.

It's possible to set up your firewall to allow remote access to your HM. You really do want to be aware of the risks, it's possible to cause yourself a lot of trouble.
For your pit probe make sure that in your HM config you set probe zero type to thermocouple. For the other probes you might have too much flux left on your board causing false readings. I would clean the probe connector end of the board with isopropyl alcohol and a soft brush (with power off!), after the board has dried fire it up and see of the false readings go away.
For your network you have no problem, that is the way it should work. As the previous poster noted, when your device (phone) is on the same network (wifi) as your HM you can access it, from outside that network (internet via cellular network) you should not be able to access your HM due to firewall in your router. You can configure port forwarding (also called pinhole) in your router to allow port 80 to pass through your firewall to your HM if you like, then you will be able to access your HM from the internet (but you will have to connect to your WAN/Internet IP rather than your HM LAN IP). If you dont know your WAN ip go to and it will tell you what it is. Some routers block forwarding port 80, in that case you need to add another listening port on your HM (like 8080) and then forward that port to your HM, then connect to your WAN IP with that port after the ip, like this: http://123.456.789.123:8080
Thank you for the responses!

I've been reading about port forwarding and it looks like my cable modem/WiFi router from Spectrum has a port forward limitation. I'll have to put that router in bridge mode and connect my own router to enable the forwarding. I've got a buddy who is a network admin so I may enlist his help over a cold beverage.

As far as the erroneous temp readings, residual flux was the first thing I thought of. I cleaned the area of the board (both sides) with isopropyl alcohol (91%) last night and let it dry overnight. It still didn't have any significant effect on my readings.

I just ran out got a can of Electronic Cleaner to remove whatever is left of the flux. Using it, a toothbrush, and compressed air, I still wasn't able to resolve this temp reading issue. Visually, I'm not seeing any residual flux on the board.

I'm at the point of firing up the soldering iron and removing the jacks to make sure everything is clean under them.

Any other ideas?
I dont think you confirmed the firmware setting for the pit probe, set type to thermocouple?
As for the rest of the standard probes, I would reflow solder on the jacks and the resistors that are standing up on the board as well as the small caps that are clustered with them and see if that helps.
Steve, I double checked the TC and it is a K-type.

Ralph, I did change the firmware setting in the Web UI for a TC.

I let the board sit a few hours and just checked it again. Probe 1 and 2 are now reading at zero with nothing plugged in. Probe 3 is now reading around 40°F. I know cleaning must have helped it some. I'll clean it again and reflow the solder and see what happens next.

Thanks guys, I value your input

