Finally had some good weather and spare time align, so the 1300 is starting the transformation.
Upon further inspection;
1) There was a black widow living under the control panel. Gone now.
2) The tank scale doesn't move freely, and I cannot find a specific DIY on how to best fix that up
3) 20 years of baked on grease is nasty. Im thinking I should have actually run the grill at max heat on a hot day to try to burn the grease off a little first.
4) Theres some frame rush, just surface, but will have to fix.
I'm using simple green, a scrubbing brush, a plastic putty knife and some steel wool. It is very slow progress! I've taken the lid off, removed thermometer, and started to remove the burners. I'll hopefully get it all into parts tomorrow.
Now, can I use a metal putty knife without scratching the lid?
Is there a DIY on the bottle scale? I don't want to spent $30 on a new one. (I am currently not working, so want to devote as much of the project costs to the RCplaner grates/z-brackets and bars.
I see has the shroud hardware for $5.72. Is that really all the bolts as shown? Anyone found a simple/cheap way to get stainless instead?
I'm going to keep a few parts that should probably be replaced, as I can replace later without disassembly. The bottom of the fire box, the bracket for the catch tray, the knobs, the main wheels etc. Keep the costs down for now anyways.
(pictures soon).