New Florida Smoker


Mark Wilson

New member
Well I took the plunge I just ordered ( though Amazon your link) a WSM 22.5. Ive been lurking for awhile reading and learning. Im hoping to have it setup and modded for the cook off on the 25th.

I've got a Maverick temp gauge, ill take some ideas how to run the lines into the cooker without pinching the line on the probes.

For my "first" I was thinking some ribs. Using the water in the pan, its already in the 80's temp here, thought it may keep temps from getting out of hand. Any tips or something to look out for for a newbie would be appreciated.:cool:
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Well I took the plunge I just ordered ( though Amazon your link) a WSM 22.5. Ive been lurking for awhile reading and learning. Im hoping to have it setup and modded for the cook off on the 25th.

I've got a Maverick temp gauge, ill take some ideas how to run the lines into the cooker without pinching the line on the probes.

For my "first" (smoker virginity pop) I was thinking some ribs. Using the water in the pan, its already in the 80's temp here, thought it may keep temps from getting out of hand. Any tips or something to look out for for a newbie would be appreciated.:cool:


btw i just run the maverick under the lid and have had no problems with leakage or pinching lines.

the water or no water is a great source of debate here, but i've done both and for L&S I always use water. just makes it easier.
Nice purchase Mark (we cant get the 22.5 here in Oz) i have only had my 18.5" a week so hardly an expert but in Florida heat & humidity (i used to holiday a lot there years ago) i would advise using the water pan.....its working great for me here in Qld heat!


