New 4.0. No IP address. my scenario when it failed to connect it didn't even appear to try, the wifi dongle didn't flash at all at boot, on second boot it usually would flash and everytime it flashed it connected even while sitting in the exact same position where it failed... so that doesn't seem to be a range issue.... Most recently it failed time and time again, so I assumed the wifi dongle had died, but after I swapped it into the other USB port it flashed and connected and has been working ever since..
I think I just have a bad rPI. After a lot of research, I next tried touching up the solder joints at x1. That seemed to clear some error and helped my boot up, but still no USB or Ethernet. Wiped my card and loaded raspian. Now, it boots all the way and I get a nice menu, but w/o USB, my keyboard doesn't work to make selections on the menu. As a last hope, I baked my pi at 385 for 6 minutes. Some joints are shinier, but still no USB or Ethernet. They are just dead. Time to find the best place to order a new pie. The last one came from element 14.

So far I have learned a lot from rPI, but not what I had hoped. One nugget I gleaned is not to void the rPI warranty before ensuring that the darn thing works by itself.
Sounds like you got a bum unit. Any chance to solder the jack back on before returning it? You might even be able to negotiate a replacement without having to send the original back. You never know unless you ask!
Yah, I've come to the realization that assuming the rPi is functioning properly and the hand made HM is malfunctioning is not always the best way to start out, it very well could be the rPi acting up... You made a good call loading raspian, at least you have non-HM dependent verification that your rPi is working right or not. Since you are up the river without a paddle on this one (having already removed the connector, unless you want to attempt to re-attach and return?)... at any rate...
twice baked raspberry pie anyone???
I feel your pain. I ordered all new parts for a HM I thought was malfunctioning, built a whole new HM and it turns out the $2 power adapter I bought from Amazon was the issue.
Previous indigestion was definitely due to bad Pi. New one arrived today. Inserted the rPi SD card with raspian and it booted right up with monitor and keyboard. Blue light on edimax flashes and all 4 LEDs on the Pi are lit. Previously, only the power LED lit. Keyboard actualy worked.

Now, I hope, my problems are much more mundane. If I plug the heatermeter in to my pc (or MacBook pro) with Ethernet cable, it does not show up, like most peripherals do. If I use the same cable and plug the heatermeter in to my fios router, the router sees it and assigns it It pings as connected, but my pc cannot connect to it. What gives? Tried entering the ip address from the last rPi installation, but that doesn't work. Maybe I just don't understand how to change the ip address on my pc? Should I hook it back up with monitor and keyboard to make changes and eventually get to the heatermeter config page?

I was so confident that the new Pi was going to make everything work that I went out and bought a 9 lb pork shoulder on the way home from work. So, help me out.... we've got weekend pulled pork on the line!!
If you plug the HM into your PC or macbook, it won't get an IP address unless you have internet sharing enabled. Plugging the HM into your router and letting it get an IP is the correct thing to do.

Now that it's got the IP of, you should be able to enter into a browser on any computer on the network and continue configuring it.
Well, I wanted to learn a lot from this project and that has surely happened. For example:
- this forum has a lot of smart, friendly, helpful folks. Too bad that all forums aren't that way!
- some rPis are bad out of the box (boob vs. noob...). Test the rPi before you start removing the RCA jack.
- my soldering skills are better than I thought. My heatermeter does a very nice job of measuring temperatures and trying to control the unattached (so far) fan.
- an hdmi monitor and usb keyboard make the heatermeter/rPi much less of a black box. (Mine is green, though, anyway. Thanks, Tom.) Shoulda bought that usb mouse also, though. No easy keyboard movements of the mouse when in the raspian gui. Had to resort to linux commands when exploring.
- raspian is a big file, but interesting to explore.
- Even though my first personal computer was a Mac 128k (30YEARS AGO!), my (personal and computer-based) networking skills are not great. I am still struggling to get the HM connected with either my wife's pc or my Macbook Pro so I can go cyber-cool like the rest of y'all. The ip address does not come up on the LED screen when I plug my HM directly in to my FIOS router. The little green LED's light and flash on the router end of the ethernet cable, so I think the cable is good. The original rPi ip address does not work for me so it has moved on. There must be some step I am not taking, a security box I am not checking or unchecking, or I am not following a specific sequence of actions in the proper order? I think I want to go back to square one and try to follow the wiki with my new rPi/HM combo. How do I get rid of all the settings and start over now that I know that all my hardware is good? A fresh SD card is easy, but how do I get a clean HM? I noticed that the config I did on the ambient thermister and the probes "stuck" for example, in spite of a new SD card AND a new rPi.

Any better ideas at this point?

Try resetting the HM config. Toggle the button on the HM to the right until the LCD asks to reset and press then press up on the button. Should be 11 or 12 pushes to the right.
There's two parts to the configuration, the HeaterMeter stuff (everything on the "LinkMeter -> Configuration" page) and the Raspberry Pi configuration (everything else, like network settings). To reset the HeaterMeter you use the button on the device as Steve mentioned. To reset the Raspberry Pi configuration, you have to defeat the "configuration restore" which you either do by flashing a new image from the web ui and not checking the "Keep settings" box or the norestore option in the wiki.
Is your PC/Mac still set to a manual IP address from earlier troubleshooting? I haven't tested it with the heatermeter yet, but I use this mini keyboard/touchpad combo with my Ubuntu media center PC >


Only $16 on Amazon.
You can try enabling internet sharing on your macbook and seeing if the HM gets an IP.

System Preferences > Sharing

Inside of Sharing click on Internet Sharing in the services list, but don't click on the box to enable internet sharing yet.

In the “Share your connection from” box, select AirPort or WiFi, then in the “To computers using:” list, select Ethernet.

Now you can click the small checkbox beside Internet Sharing in the services list to turn on Internet Sharing.

Now you can connect your HM to your macbook and power it up and hopefully it will get an IP address directly from the macbook.
Had to put this project down for a few days and take out my frustrations by doing a little home demo/renovation prep, but am ready to move forward, I hope.

Here is the latest. The new RPi works by itself and still works with the heatermeter plugged in to it. I am able to plug in a monitor and keyboard and play around, using raspbian.

My RPi wifi works and the router has assigned an ip address of to the RPi.

The heatermeter probes work and the signal to the fan appears to modulate to reach a temperature.

No matter what I have tried, including everything suggested in this very helpful thread, I can no longer get to the heatermeter config page. This hasn't worked since it froze up during my first hour of use (with the first RPi).

Could these symptoms suggest a specific place to check my solder joints? Not sure I understand ports yet, but could this be a port issue?
When you plug in the HM, watching the display for a minute or so, does it show an IP address on the HM LCD? Does the wifi adapter flash blue?
Thanks, Ralph. No IP address shows up on the HM LCD, but the wifi adapter does flash like it is talking to my router.
My RPi wifi works and the router has assigned an ip address of to the RPi.

Where do you see that is being assigned to the HM? Is it at the router config page or when you boot up the system attached to a monitor?

Is being assigned to the wireless device or is there also a network cable attached at the time?
I use the Fing app on my iPhone to show me the connected devices on my network. Tonight the pi is at . On my macbook pro, I can then use the terminal to ssh pi@ , then enter the RPi password, and I am "in" to the Pi.

