Need some suggestions


Rick Body

Ok, my family is growing. I bought a WSM new a few months ago and found this site and got quickly hooked on outdoor cooking. Then I found a used WSM on CL and bought it. Today I found a used Smokey Joe and OT Silver 22 from a guy on CL for only 45 for both. After a little cleaning, they practically look brand new.....

So I am looking for some suggestions to try on the OT. I have been doing alot of ribs and butts on the WSM, so looking for something to grill. I am going to do some ABT's with whatever I cook and maybe some crash hots.

Hopefully someone will this soon and help me out, too many choices on here, lol

Its 2:15 on New Years Eve

If you're looking for something a little different than steaks, burgers, or sausages, consider pit beef. It grills direct so it doesn't take a lot of time and makes great sandwiches...would be excellent for a casual New Year's Eve or Day party!
At this point, you are only limited by your imagination. You have all the tools to do about anything you can think of. I personally think that ribs and butts are best done on the WSM. The OTS is a grilling machine and shines when it comes to things like steaks, burgers, chops and cut up chicken. Master the two zone fire for indirect and things like pork loins, roast beef, and tri tip will be on your menu very often. I love using the rotisserie for whole chickens. (Hint for your next purchase) The SJ really can help when you need a second grill for doing things like corn or other veggies, especially if you have your OT tied up doing a long indirect cook. If you really enjoy smoking, then consider using your SJ as a mini WSM. I finally got around to making one and wish now I would have done it years ago. I think you will find this will probably prove to be the best $45 you have ever spent in your life. In other words, quit wasting's New Year's Eve. Pick up what is on sale and go for it. Enjoy the ride.
Thanks for the quick replies. I saw Brian S's post on the pit beef. I have never heard of that. Think I am going to run by Lowes and get some charcoal baskets, then run to the store and see what I can find

Happy New Year!

oh and after seeing the size of the 22 OTS, I can see how much more food you could get on the 22.5 WSM as opposed to the 18.5. WOW
Here is a quick and easy recipe for the OTS. Go to Costco/Sams Club and buy the marinated tri tip roast. The Santa Maria is good but I prefer the Mortons if they have it. I look for a medium size - usually about 2-3lbs. Use one chimney of your favorite charcoal and set it up as a two zone fire. This means the coals are spread out only over half of the grill. Open your tri-tip and let it sit at room temp( I usually open the tri-tip and then start my charcoal) for a half hour or so.

Assemble the grill and wipe some oil on the grates. Be careful as it is going to be hot! Trust me on the next steps please. Place the tri-tip right in the middle of the hottest area of the grill and close the lid (no peeking). Set a timer for 7 minutes. At 7 minutes lift the lid and quickly turn the tt over but make sure you keep it in the hottest zone. You are likely going to have quick flare ups but don't worry about it. Set timer again for 7 more minutes. After 7 minutes lift the lid and move the tt off the heat and flip it over onto the "cool zone" (no charcoal) and set your timer for 14 minutes. At this time you can put veggies or other quick cook stuff down. Close that lid though... After 14 minutes flip the tt but leave it on the cool zone. If you like your tt rare then set your timer for 10 minutes, med rare is 12-14. Pull the tt and plate it. Make sure you use a plate that can catch juice as it will be very juicy. It will continue to cook for the next 10 minutes or so.

Finish up your other cooking and then plate it. When you are ready to eat use a big serrated knife and cut the tt against the grain into 1/4-1/2 slices. It will be perfect. I used to ruin tri-tips all the time until a friend of mine told me about the rule of 7 method. 7, 7, 14, 14. Works every time!
If you are looking for something VERY nice to grill - try chicken parts on indirect. 35-45 minutes and it is done to perfection. I often use my OTG indirect for chicken. Another excellent choice is Cornish Game hens. I quarter them (remove the back bone, then cut through the breasts). In 45 minutes indirect (high temp indirect) you have perfect skin with lucious, moist, meat both dark and light. They make a FINE presentation, too!

I did these on the WSm but you can do the exact same thing, indirect on the OTG:

Just about as good as it gets!

Rick if you're grabbing the baskets, see if you can pick up a new grill that has the hinged sides. I don't think the OTS came with it. It makes life a lot easier when you need to add the charcoal every 45 minutes or so. If you're looking for cooking suggestions, you may want to try a turkey breast. Indirect, EVOO, salt & pepper. Throw it on, keep it at 350 to 375 and that's it! You don't even have to baste the thing. Good Luck & Happy New Year!
Thanks everyone for the awesome suggestions. I did end up doing something I thought would be easy, Alice springs chicken, but I have alot to learn about charcoal grilling. It would take to long to explain all my mistakes. The good thing is, I did some ABT's before I put the chicken on and I got so full on them, I didnt have to worry about the chicken I messed up.

Rolf, I definitely need to get the grate with the flip up sides. I had to keep adding charcoal since I didnt use enough to start with (first mistake). It would have been easier with that grate.

Thanks again everyone, gonna try some of those ideas next time
If you haven't bought the baskets get some fire brick instead. There are some great threads on here using fire brick for indirect cooking and they will outshine the baskets any day of the week.
Welcome and Happy New Year.
Here is a quick and easy recipe for the OTS. Go to Costco/Sams Club and buy the marinated tri tip roast. The Santa Maria is good but I prefer the Mortons if they have it. I look for a medium size - usually about 2-3lbs. Use one chimney of your favorite charcoal and set it up as a two zone fire. This means the coals are spread out only over half of the grill. Open your tri-tip and let it sit at room temp( I usually open the tri-tip and then start my charcoal) for a half hour or so.

Assemble the grill and wipe some oil on the grates. Be careful as it is going to be hot! Trust me on the next steps please. Place the tri-tip right in the middle of the hottest area of the grill and close the lid (no peeking). Set a timer for 7 minutes. At 7 minutes lift the lid and quickly turn the tt over but make sure you keep it in the hottest zone. You are likely going to have quick flare ups but don't worry about it. Set timer again for 7 more minutes. After 7 minutes lift the lid and move the tt off the heat and flip it over onto the "cool zone" (no charcoal) and set your timer for 14 minutes. At this time you can put veggies or other quick cook stuff down. Close that lid though... After 14 minutes flip the tt but leave it on the cool zone. If you like your tt rare then set your timer for 10 minutes, med rare is 12-14. Pull the tt and plate it. Make sure you use a plate that can catch juice as it will be very juicy. It will continue to cook for the next 10 minutes or so.

Finish up your other cooking and then plate it. When you are ready to eat use a big serrated knife and cut the tt against the grain into 1/4-1/2 slices. It will be perfect. I used to ruin tri-tips all the time until a friend of mine told me about the rule of 7 method. 7, 7, 14, 14. Works every time!

I second this. Tri-tips are my new favorite and easy. Sam's has some great TT's. Enjoy!
Ok, my family is growing. I bought a WSM new a few months ago and found this site and got quickly hooked on outdoor cooking. Then I found a used WSM on CL and bought it. Today I found a used Smokey Joe and OT Silver 22 from a guy on CL for only 45 for both. After a little cleaning, they practically look brand new.....

So I am looking for some suggestions to try on the OT. I have been doing alot of ribs and butts on the WSM, so looking for something to grill. I am going to do some ABT's with whatever I cook and maybe some crash hots.

Hopefully someone will this soon and help me out, too many choices on here, lol

Its 2:15 on New Years Eve


So your the one who has been beating me to the jax cl deals...

Did you pick up the genesis silver with extra set of burners too?

I have been enjoying pork chops on my otg. Sometimes I prefer it to a steak
So your the one who has been beating me to the jax cl deals...

Did you pick up the genesis silver with extra set of burners too?

I have been enjoying pork chops on my otg. Sometimes I prefer it to a steak

LOL, no I didnt get the genesis. I got the WSM a month or so ago and was looking for a performer when I came across the smokey joe and OT Silver combo. Figured they would work. May or may not get the performer now, I already have way more stuff than I can use.

On the bright side, at least we got rid of Gene Smith

