Need some help


Robert D

TVWBB Member
I bought the WSM about 3 years ago. I was gung ho about everything. i read these forums for days on end. I created a BBQ manual. I Did a Boston Butt and it came out dry. I am guessing it was undercooked by several hours. I haven't touched the smoker since, but I am nowexcited to get back into it. I do notice some mold on the inside. Will that burn off when I stoke it up again?

I am hosting my large family for a Baptism at the end of June. i want to perfect a Beef Tenderloin recipe for that event. I may try this weekend. I have seen a whole tenderloin on sale at BJ's and it is quite overwhelming. Anyone ever buy this whole tenderloin from BJ's? Is it easy to cut and prepare?

thanks for your infinite wisdom!
I usually hose off mold that forms on the smoker sides, but I'll scrub off mold that forms on the grates. I'd scub the mold off of the sides if it more than a little, but it will burn off - let the heat come up before adding the food. Of course, what could it hurt to scub down the sides every three years or so
Well I'm certainly glad that your "getting back into it"

Mistakes are all part of a learning curve, and we all do it from time to time. Doesn't mean you should abandon your smoker, just learn and go on from there.
I've done a fair amount of tenderloins on the WSM.
A very easy way to prep and cook a TL is right here.
HTH, and enjoy yourself..

I'd hose off the inside, give it a scrub and then I'd do a high heat burn in it to make sure everything is gone.
I agree with other posts. I'd burn that puppy up to about 20 degrees for a few hours and then clean the grates with Simple Green or some other Bio-Degadeable solvent and get after it. I prefer a pork loin but hey, smoke what you like, within the boundaries of the law. LOL

I posted I just cooked a 9 pound pork butt for 20 hours and it barely made it to "target temp", and I was frustrated. It finally got close enough and it turned out moist, juicy and tender. Ribs are my favorite cook. I like spare ribs or baby backs, doesn't make me any difference. They are both wonderful. A good brisket is good and I just happen to use Texas BBQ Rub Original and it is a tiny bit spicey, but cold beer or wine fixes that.

If you don't have a Automatic Temperature Controller, I'd look into getting one as it makes smoking a lot more hassle free and fun. You can set it and forget it using one of those. I used a DigiQ 2 for 20 hours and it never let the pit get over 1 degree over or under "target Temperature". You can sleep and let it do the work. I have a WMS 18 1/2 Smoker and looking back, I wish I had gone the 22 inch route. I use Stubbs Charcoal available at most Lowe's Stores in case you run low.

Good luck, and don't let that smoker beat you down, WHIP IT. You will be glad you mastered it. YOu have LOT'S of support right here. Don't be bashful to ask, I'm a newbie also, and I'm learning quickly, and you will too, every cook you do.

