Need ideas for a low maintenance "low and slow"


Robbie C

New member
My wifes family is traveling down to join us for a few days and I volunteered to cook something on my OTS. I was leaning heavily towards a pork butt, however this will be my first one. I need something rather easy or at least something I can manage well for a long cook.

I would be greatful for any suggestions.
Pork butt is the way to go. It can handle a wide range in temperature and can feed a good number of people.
A butt or two is the easiest and most rewarding thing to cook. It's a right of passage for the first timer. You can cook it at 225 up to 300F without issue. It's truly the most forgiving BBQ you can do.

If you have family and need to entertain, grab 2 butts (shoulders) around 5lbs each. You can start them at 8am and be done for dinner cooking in the 200's. If they finish early, simply wrap them in foil and place in a cooler to hold them. You can get 4hrs of hold time easily without compromising the meat.

You can search for recipes and techniques here. I like a lot of pepper with a vinegar finishing sauce but your store bought pork BBQ sauce will be fine. Kids love simple ketchup.

Finally, use cheap white hamburger buns. They soak up the juice and don't overpower the meat.
Another option similar to a butt is this:

Pot Roast

However, I would also recommend a butt as did a few others. Hard to go wrong, feeds a lot of people and is one of the typical meats when you're thinking BBQ.
Ok, I've got the 22.5" OTS ready, my alarm is set for 4:00am I think I'm ready for my first pork butt!!! I'll post results and hopefully have a good story to tell
Good luck Robbie!

butts were a good choice, i remember i was super nervous with my first one. but really they are hard to mess up..... only thing i would suggest would be to get small ones 5-6lbs... its a good size to start off with.

