Need help with new ash catcher

To all,
Cutting 1/4" off both ends of the handle that hook onto the grill makes a pretty big difference/improvement. Still room for improvement; but at least I can keep it.
Meanwhile, still hoping to hear from a Weber representative . . .
Best, Scott

Hmmm.....interesting. I'm ok with it now and it doesn't annoy me but if it really improves the action maybe I'll take my dremel tool or angle grinder to the ends this weekend ...

OK, I'm a bit confused now that I've looked at my new ash catcher with the squeeze handle on my OTG. Are we talking about the protruding rods on each side of the catcher (10 & 2 O'Clock positions) that hook onto the housing? If so, I can't see how shortening them would make any bit of difference.... A photo would be helpful.
As I mentioned earlier I have no trouble removing the ash catcher but I can definitely see my wife having trouble with it. But since she doesn't BBQ it doesn't matter.
I was out doing some early morning shopping and Meijer had a Performer on display. I checked out this new ash catcher and that one was really hard to squeeze so hard it hurt.
Went to HD and they had a Performer and Copper OTG on display, gave those a squeeze and both were easy to use.
Weird, makes me think Weber uses different grades of Aluminum.

I just ordered new style for a SS performer rehab. When I picked it up the handle was the most rusted piece of metal I have aver seen. After scrubbing off rust there were a few spots where it was very thin (probably less than half it's original thickness.) Hopefully its easy to use. If not I'll have the old one with the new bucket.
i can see an easy fix. You just need bigger diameter on the squeeze handles to reduce the pain. Get a length of tubing of the correct diameter. Cut to length, split with a razor blade. Install on one side. Then do the other side. The tubing is resilient as well as larger diameter which will spread the load. It should take all of the pain away, be easy and inexpensive to do.

Let us know how you like the improvement...

Keep on smokin',
The new ash pans are different.

Maybe they subbed out the design to the people who make those **** prescription pill bottles!
I have an extra one of those grips for cast iron pan. I might slip on that jimmy hat when I install my new ash catcher in the next few weeks.
Anyone else struggling to remove the ash catcher? And really wonder why am I NOT seeing this objection posted online anywhere?

I cannot imagine buying a different brand; but this is a true deal breaker for a guy that empties the ash catcher once a week. . .

You are not alone, Scott. I have a Performer and also a regular OTG (with an open ash pan). I have always found it very difficult (and arthritis inducing!) to remove that Performer's ash catcher. It does not feel convenient at all. But that regular original OTG is amazing. If you don't mind having the ash exposed at the bottom (that is, if you don't live in a very windy area), this grill is much simpler and easier to clean. Furthermore, this model's ash cleaner has a wider range, thus allowing for the 3 blades to work its way all the way between the vents. In contrast, the Performer's ash catcher actually stops right before reaching the vents, thus leaving a pile of ashes that do not get cleaned unless I remove the bottom charcoal grate to brush them off...

