To all,
Cutting 1/4" off both ends of the handle that hook onto the grill makes a pretty big difference/improvement. Still room for improvement; but at least I can keep it.
Meanwhile, still hoping to hear from a Weber representative . . .
Best, Scott
Hmmm.....interesting. I'm ok with it now and it doesn't annoy me but if it really improves the action maybe I'll take my dremel tool or angle grinder to the ends this weekend ...
Maybe they subbed out the design to the people who make those **** prescription pill bottles!The new ash pans are different.
^^^^ Yeah, I also love that silicone handle idea!
Anyone else struggling to remove the ash catcher? And really wonder why am I NOT seeing this objection posted online anywhere?
I cannot imagine buying a different brand; but this is a true deal breaker for a guy that empties the ash catcher once a week. . .