Need help selecting fan for LARGE offset smoker fan/servo design


Tom Kole

Hey all, I've been in the process of building a 250 gallon reverse flow smoker mounted on a trailer. As part of the project, I will be designing a 3D printed fan/servo combo that I will make available to everyone once completed. The part I'm stuck on is what fan to go with. Questions I have that Bryan and some of the electronics people on here might be able to answer for me are:

1. What is the max amperage fan I could get away with attached directly to the HM with the appropriately rated PS?
2. Assuming that q1 is going to be low, what would be the best strategy for possibly using an AC powered fan and some sort of SSR like device?
3. Does anyone have a ball park clue of what sort of CFM is required for a smoker of this size?
Hey Tom,

Any updates on this project?

It looks like the MOSFET sold with the kit limits you to ~.2A continuous. If you replaced the MOSFET, you would have more output current capacity. DigiKey stocks a MOSFET from the same family that can handle an amp or more.

The Delta BFB1012 line of blowers that you use in your RD25 has models that range from about 20 to 46CFM in the same body. Though not all are normally stocked items at Digikey here is the list of models and specs. I am sure once you settle on a model you could either have Digikey order it or find it at Mouser, ebay, Amazon etc. The 46CFM unit consumes 6.84W so about .57A....

