Need cast iron help..


Ron Snarski

TVWBB Member
I am looking to buy a cast iron skillet. The price range is quite large. Is there better metal, or are they all the same?
The Lodge Logic brand is a good one cause it's already seasoned. There are cheaper brands made in China which who knows what type of metal they use?
Don't be fooled by cheap Chinese imitations -
If it's not Lodge, it's not Made in America.

I have the same one and love it. The lodge logic brand is preseasoned and I got it on amazon for 12 bucks plus S&H. The 7" diameter is a perfect size so it doesn't compete with your grilling space.

Lodge is great, but if you want to consider anything else look to Ebay for Wagner or Griswold. They are excellent skillets.

Lodge is great, but if you want to consider anything else look to Ebay for Wagner or Griswold. They are excellent skillets.

I bought a beautiful 8" Griswold cast iron skillet from an "antique mall" that is nearby.... Perfect shape. Just washed it real good with a nylon scrub brush. Re-Seasoned it in the oven, and it is thing of beauty. All for the low-low price of $8.00. It compliments my 12" Lodge nicely.

Moral of the story. Check out the flea markets, and antique stores, thrift stores... etc. I have seen a lot of garbage ones that were too destroyed to use, but if you search for a while, one will show up....Now my wife doesn't have to drag me to these places....

