Need advice on what to tell butcher to get the right cuts from my cow


John Heutz

We purchased a half of a Belted Galloway which going to slaughter on October 11. The cow is both grain and grass fed. I want to get the right cuts for Qing ribs, brisket, tri-tip. For the brisket, should I have the butcher separate the flat and the point or just leave it whole (my concern is that I've never done a whole brisket as I'm only able to get points here and will a whole brisket fit on the smaller WSM)? Also, what do I tell him regarding the ribs? Thanks in advance for the advice.

I haven't had any problem fitting a whole brisket on my 18.5 WSM. I'd go for the whole brisket and have him trim it to your likings. Personally, I'd have him trim most of the fat between the flat and point as discussed on these forums. Sounds like a great purchase, let us know how it turns out.

Leave the brisket whole. Have him remove the deckle only. Unless the thing ends up being really huge you'll have no problem fitting it in a WSM. I have done briskets 17+ pounds in an 18.5 WSM without issue. (I never separate point from flat first. Ever.) I would not have him trim fat at all. Most tend to overdo it.

If he knows what the tri-tip is, good. (Many don't). Get that, the ball roast and the flap roast. Both are next to the tri-tip. For ribs, tell him whatever you want. I usually have them crosscut but you can go with them whole, whatever you prefer. Me, I would have the top blade of the chuck and the chuck eye separated out. The rest of the chuck I'd have cut into manageable roasts of good size. I'd have the knuckle, top and bottom round roasts separated out. The rest is the obvious stuff: separate out the rump roast, tenderloin, strip loin, sirloin, etc. My two cents.

