Need a vegetarian BBQ suggestion!


Matt Sandman

New member
I know, why waste the time?

My buddy's getting married and I'm planning the menu for a bachelor weekend. If he wasn't the groom I'd say screw it, but I probably should plan some thing nice for him while the rest of us enjoy smoked meats of every type. Anybody done anything vegetarian on the WSM or a kettle? Looking for something a little more than just potatoes and vegetables. What do "those people" eat?

FYI: We'll be camping, but I can accommodate just about anything.

P.S. any other suggestions for us meat eating folk are welcome too.
Stuffed portobello mushroom caps, grilled egg plant, you can grill/smoke tofu and use whatever sauce your using on the meat or use it in a nice stir fry . My wife was and my SIL is a veggie and doesn't even like her stuff cooked on the same portion of the grill and god forbid you flip it with the same tongs, not sure what your friend's like though.
That Smoked Brie will be perfect, Thanks Ray.

Stuffed Portobello's have crossed my mind, and those will likely find their way into the weekend menu.

He used to eat meat, and the only reason he stopped is because it was causing him some health issues. So I don't think he is too strict as far as cooking surfaces and utensils.

Thanks for the responses thus far. Anybody got anything else?
Squashes like zucchini can be cut into planks, seasoned with salt, pepper, and oil, and grilled. Firm tomatoes can be grilled as well.

If you don't have a grill basket this is a good reason to get one. I like to toss broccoli and mushrooms, add some oil and seasonings, and cook them in the basket.

And, of course, there's always corn on the cob!
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here's a couple from the Healthy Grilling forum:

I wouldn't buy any meat replacements, no need, and I don't think anyone would like them anyway. Just have a good variety of foods/veggies/sides... Grilled Pineapple (done on my wsm a few times) is always good (and easy). My cousin's wife thought you had to put honey on them, and it was good but not needed.
That Smoked Brie will be perfect, Thanks Ray.

Stuffed Portobello's have crossed my mind, and those will likely find their way into the weekend menu.

He used to eat meat, and the only reason he stopped is because it was causing him some health issues. So I don't think he is too strict as far as cooking surfaces and utensils.

Thanks for the responses thus far. Anybody got anything else?

I have a good recipe for portabella cheese steaks.... this is really good:
I have made the stuffed jalapenos without the bacon and sausage in the middle before and they were a hit. I did core them instead of slicing in half though. Another good option on a grill, not sure abotu a smoker, is grilled polenta.

