Need a little Butt advice please..


B Felty

New member
I have two 9lbs going at the moment. Went on at 9pm last night and 22.5 WSM was up to temp within two hours. Even got up to 300 at one point as I dozed off. Cooker temps have been riding at 250-230 until recently I've bumped it back to 275. I can't get either to probe above 189*. Both actully sitting at 189*. They probe like butter though. Should I just pull them and wrap tightly or keep them on? Thanks in advance for the help. Tried to provide enough info.
If the probes dont get over 189..Just wait! cooke em a bit longer. Anywere between 195-205 is target. But since they are butter tender?" Dunno mate.
I'd pull'em, tender is tender regardless of temp. 189 is not far off your target anyway and the temp will go up more after you wrap them.
Don't panic... Be patient. I have two picnic shoulders and I put them on at 9:30 pm last night. It's 184 right now.
Jeff is right - tender is tender and wrapping will increase the internal temp a bit. I think you're good to go....
Thanks for the help. I wanted to wait them out but I have to leave here in an hour and I didn't want to go looking like a bum. Wrapped and in the cooler. One of them actually sperated a little while pulling from the smoker and it was really good.
Probably a little late, but for future reference, another test for doneness, regardless of internal temp which is just a guide, if you can wiggle the bone and it feels like you can pull it out with no resistance they are done.
Another visual check, if the butt looks like it has just about collapsed in on itself....almost like it has "given up" it's done. OR if you go to pick it up and it almost falls apart in your hands, it's done.
Time and temp are guides, once you can apply those to visual and "feel" you'll have it made. Enjoy your pulled pork today.
Temp is only one indicator of doneness. Tenderness is FAR more important -- regardless of temp. Think of it the opposite way: if it was 200* and still doesn't past the probe test wouldn't you leave it on? I say if it's tender, let's eat!
Temp is only one indicator of doneness. Tenderness is FAR more important -- regardless of temp. Think of it the opposite way: if it was 200* and still doesn't past the probe test wouldn't you leave it on? I say if it's tender, let's eat!

Totally agree. I quit tempting my butts awhile ago just cause I got use to how my WSM works in my backyard. I'm glad you pulled them of the WSM Mr B Felty cause this is not the first post I've seen where Butts came out probe tender under 190..:wsm:

Agree 100% with Dwain. I start checking for doneness at 190 and usually pull em' off the smoker for the aluminum foil wrap & rest close to the 190 temp.
All awesome tips. Thanks again. The bones pulled out with 0 meat on them and super easy. Also one did literally come apart lifting off the grill. All meat was gone and I am now in charge of pork butts at family get togethers.
All meat was gone and I am now in charge of pork butts at family get togethers.

There are a lot worse things to be in charge of. I've found that I can take the probe out with it reading 190, stick it back in and start reading 180, so that probe, as others said, just a start checking for tender...................d

