Conversion charts are very easy to read...
For Propane ....
lets say i would like to know the size of hole to put into a NEW orifices spud for a side burner of the Weber E 320. this side burner is 12,000 BTU.
Start on the far right hand side under LP (Liquid Propane) the column with the 11
Follow the chart straight down the LP section till you find the BTU for EACH individual burner. (VERY IMPORTANT EACH BURNER)
in this case we are looking for around 12,000
when you see the number 11,742 ... this is 11,742 BTU'S
the next number down below that is 12, 322 BTU
Now lets start with the 11, 742 NOW move directly to the FAR LEFT under the column DRILL SIZE.
The number for 11,742 BTU is ( 59 Drill size )
the number for 12,322 BTU is ( 58 Drill size )
So the size of hole to drill into the orifice spud will be 59 for 11,742 BTU
I would try this first ...if you find the burner is NOT warm enough then go the next size.