Myron Mixon's Class, Awesome!!!


Brian Quintal

TVWBB Member
So a few months ago I posted a thread titled "I love my wife...." and wrote about how she surprised me with an enrollment into Myron Mixon's class at his place in Georgia. Well I just attended and WOW!!!!!! what a unbelievably great class. He is quite a man, he makes you feel like you are his best buddy, more than happy to spend time chatting with you in between instuction, takes picture after picture with a smile. He takes every question during class that anybody has on what he was doing and takes his time explaining and makes sure you understand. I can't say enough about how great he was, and he was that way with everybody. I was thinking this man runs 1 class a month with up to 100 attendies and every class I'm sure is the same, people wanting pictures taken and books signed and he handles it so well, with total class.

The education and information was amazing. He really shares a ton of experience, recipes, time lines, cooking phylosophy. It's information overload. Shares the recipes of all his sauses and rubs, even of the ones he sells. He shows exactly how he does things when competing. He held nothing back back. I learned more in those 2 days of his class that years of experiencing and experimenting on my own would still fall exceedingly short. We smoked over 2000lbs of meat over 2 days and he went into excruciating detail on every cut of meat we did. Preperation, injecting, rubs, cooking methods, time lines, resting methods, everything. There were competition teams there trying to pick up tips and secrets and Myron held back nothing. We actually pinged him on it and he said that he has actually been beat in competition by teams that have come to his class and it gave him a sense of pride.

I must say he was the nicest, most down to earth, celibrity I've ever met. Made me feel as if I was an old friend and we were smoking in my back yard. I can't leave out his son's and pit crew all did and excellent job and all very happy to help you out in anyway with any question or need. I can't say enough good things about the whole experience. More than I ever imagined.
I have to pile on. I met him at the Jack a few years ago and he went out of his way to come talk to SWMBO and I. He even came out of his area to take a photo. Class act fo sho.
Brian, sounds like you had a great time in the class. Did he use lighter fluid or talk about it during the class?
Cool. Glad it was money well spent for ya. For anyone that uses an offset or likes cooking in pans, I'd especially recommend his book.
What a wonderful experience. I'd love to be able to do something like that. Maybe someday!

P.S. It's good to hear that about him. I like watching the shows, but sometimes the back and forth gets to be a little much. Sounds like they kind of just play it up for the camera.

