Brian Silvey
TVWBB Member
Yes! I am the proud owner of a 22" WSM. I just finished assembly so it's never been used. I have been using a CharGriller offset for about 4 years. Makes tasty Q, but I'm tired of fiddling every hour to maintain temps. This last year I did my first competition and everyone had either a WSM or a Cajun Bandit or one of those trailer pits or all of the above. So I spent the money and upgraded, I also have a Cajun Bandit on order. I'm looking forward to being able to do longer cooks that don't cut to deep into my beer drinking time.
With my offset I have a Maverick, dual prong, remote thermometer that I use. I notice the WSM now comes with a factory installed thermometer. Are they any good? Or should I just ignore it?
With my offset I have a Maverick, dual prong, remote thermometer that I use. I notice the WSM now comes with a factory installed thermometer. Are they any good? Or should I just ignore it?