My new OTG Maiden cook



New member
Here's my 1st cook on my brand new Weber OTG. Boneless NY Strip Steaks
Cooked to the sounds of Black Sabbath(among other hard rock bands) and the enjoyment of (at least) 3 ice cold Budwiesers on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Thanks for looking.

Hoping to do a nice 5-6 hour St Louis rib smoke on my day off......Tuesday.....we'll see.


Personally cut and chosen at work this morning.

There she is in all her new glory

The initial sear....2 minutes each side

Indirect with the top closed for about 6 minutes

Finished product.....sliced and served family style....a perfect medium rare
Nice looking steaks and those three beers, I assume, we're only while waiting for the charcoal to be ready.
Excellent looking steak Tony!!! It might me your first cook on the OTG but it sure looks like you know your way around a grill.

