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Don C.

TVWBB Super Fan
Just secured a 5lb. chuck roast. So from what I read it looks like a 15 hour cook is on for Thursday.

I'm a bit concerned as the butcher trimmed of the fat from the middle of this beast while I was looking at some T-bones.

He tied it up good and tight, so we shall see. I plan to rub it with taco mix and foil for the last 2 to 3 hours.

Rath *promises pics this time*
Im going to be doing one this weekend too and am looking for good ideas for Beef Rubs. Taco mix is an interesting idea.
I am planning on making BBQ beef tacos, hence my choice of rub. Any rub you would use for brisket I'm willing to bet would be good on this.

You're right on the money with the 15 hours. On Stogies Web site he recommends 3 hours/lb and even refuses to mention temps

I've done a number of these and it's always right on.

About the butcher removing the fat, I don't know what effect that might have. I find, even at 3 hours, all the fat doesn't render as well as it does in a butt, so you might be fine there too.

You could cook it under a butt. That always does the trick!

Enjoy the Tacos!
I wouldn't woory about the fat in the center getting trimmed away.

IMO it only hinders the cooking process. It takes longer for the low density fat to come to temp and render the juices than the surrounding meat. Also if you thermometer probe hits a pocket of fat, you will get a false reading.

Modeled fat in meat on the other hand is good. Makes for good grilling and good smoking.
Thanks guys. I was not overly worried.

Tom, aye, I was going by Stogies guide.

Chris F., As stogie does, I will also NOT be monitoring the temp of the meat, gonna trust to time, the WSM and Stogie.

Probably gonna do an all-dayer...hehe. Plan on starting at 6am. Thursday morning. Yes, this is gonna end late factoring in the "sit in the cooler" time. But this is for Friday night's dinner.

I'm cooking Thursday because, 1. I'm still not comfortable cooking in the rain. B. Really not comfortable cooking in hurricane force winds. 4. Have plans for Friday, and need the sleep...LOL

Rath *doing his anti-rain dance*
It begins. Nothing earth shattering. Just rubbed down the roast with the taco seasoning. It was kinda of a bonus that the butcher split it 'cause that enable me to get the rub on most of the inside as well.

It will sit in the frigde overnite and the cook has been moved up to start at 6am.

Rath *making tacos and still doing his anit-rain dance*
Bah! Stupid alarm clock!!! Anyway, annnnd I'm off! Cook started at 8am(curses alarm clock!).

When I took the roast out of the fridge, it was a beautiful reddish color. I am using 3 chunks of cherry and 2 hickory.

I have one vent 100% open, 1 50% open and the 3rd is fully closed. My target temp. is 230-260.

Updates when available.

Rath *wondering if Weber makes alarm clocks*
Rath, a huge amount of posts within a 2 day period...karma points accumulating at an alarming rate...your fingers must be getting tired!!

Waiting for PICS!!
LOL Greg, just getting warmed up.

It is now 5:40pm and the cook it going great. Temp steady between 240 and 250 (of course! Thank you WSM). The anti-rain dance seems to be working as the Sun has made several apperances.

I took the wife out for lunch at noon and the temp was 250. When I got back at 1:30 the temp was 247.

Only 5 hours 20 mins. to go.

Rath *Continues to hold Ivan at bay*
It's 9PM, do you know where you chuck roast is? Mine has just been foiled. Temp for the last 5 hours has been rock steady at 245-248.

I added water to the brinkman pan. 2 hours to go.

Rath *smelling tacos*
Well, 11pm and the roast is in the cooler. I will be pulling it at 1 am. The WSM preformed flawlessly yet again. Finishing temp was 238.

Rath *posting pics in the am*
Well it's finally done. The roast pulled beautifully. When I opened the foil, the aroma of the taco seasoning just was awesome. Will build the tacos for dinner.

Rath *dreaming of tacos*
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