Brian Lieder
TVWBB Member
We have identical grills - older 3 burner genesis with 13 flavor bars. Both grills have stainless flavor bars and cast iron grates. His grill takes at least twice as long as mine to heat up, and really wont go over 450. Mine can peg the thermomoeter no problem. I took the grates and flavor bars out of the grill, and it has a nice uniform flame and the grill heated up real quick with none of that stuff in it. I gave him the grill last year, and before i did i cleaned the tubes inside and out.
So my question is what's the problem? My one thought was that he has alot of food and grease buildup on the bottom of his grates, but to me it's a stretch that this would cause a major slowdown of heat.
So my question is what's the problem? My one thought was that he has alot of food and grease buildup on the bottom of his grates, but to me it's a stretch that this would cause a major slowdown of heat.