My first Weber


Maggi B

New member
I Got myself a real treat, the Weber E-330

I hope you guys like some pictures!

Just after unloading the box into the garage and opening it. Big *** manual shocked me, until I saw it was in 40 different languages.

Working on the assembly. The quality really showing from step one in the assembly.

All done, apart from the gill out light

Everything ready for the first outing


I got the smoker box as an extra for free from the dealer, that was pretty cool.
Mesmerizing blue flame on the first start

And the first meal I did on it was lamb tenderloin and yams, Also tried the smoker box just for fun
It did not add much to the meal because of the short grilling time of the meat. But it sure smelled nice!

Then I tried Beercan chicken smoked with applewood, it was so delicious!

I sure am loving this new grill, and now I finally understand the praise it gets.
Now if summer can just hurry up and get here, that would be nice!

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Excellent setup and cook, I think you will be really happy with this machine....just look at that nice steady blue flame.
Nice looking grill, cooks look super, does not look like your first rodeo..... what did you have before your weber?
And your garage is very organized..... outstanding!
The temperature is from 8.5 - 28 fahrenheit here now.

The Grillstar had much trouble keeping 400f in this weather. the weber cruises easy to 600f on just the 3 burners

-4f :)

