my first butt on a kettle


Randy Stevens

New member
I hope this topic goes here? I want to do a pork butt Sunday. Its 10 lbs. I thought about cutting it in half and do 1 this week and the other latter or do the whole thing? I want to put it on the rotsi in my 22.5. I thought about using a rub and a mop recipe I found in my Weber grilling book. I have I would appricate you suggestions and opinions on cooking time and temps, and anything else any of you havt to offer to a rookie. Thank you.
I have not done one on a kettle, but should be interesting.
An overnight cook on the kettle would require refueling, but 10 pounds of are looking 15 hours (or so) at 250. Butts are difficult to time, due to their inner structure. You are going to be adding coal fairly regularly.
you want the meat internal to get to 190-200 THEN start worrying about whether or not it's done.
It will be an epic cook.
I have done a couple of Butts on our 22.5" OTG. Did not use a roto. Both were in the 7-8lb range. First took about 6.5 hrs, second about 7.5 hrs. Depending on how you arrange the coals you will have to tend it every 1-2 hrs to keep the fire up. I used RO Lump so if you went with Stubbs Bric's or similar you would get a longer time between tending. Kept the temps in the 250-275 range. Rotated the Butt about every 2 hours. Time is not what you watch, watch the temps on the butts, the old saying goes...."its done when its done". Also, the "loose bone test" works very well to tell how ready she it for "resting" Once off the heat our were wrapped in foil, covered with towels and let to rest for 2 hours on the counter.

Ours turned out GREAT, added wood chips for the first 4 hours of the cook time each time I added more lump. When I would add fuel, I would not "remove" the lid all the way, just slide it to the side to get access to the coals, this way I retained more heat and it has less of an impact on the cook time.

Used a store bought Rib Rub, did not mop. Rubbed it and wrapped in cling wrap overnight in the fridge. Let it out of the fridge for about an hour on the counter and to the grill it went.

Good luck and let us know how it comes out!

Randy, I'm a total rookie, but for what it's worth, I think doing the whole thing will pan out fine. I did a big butt a couple of weeks ago - over 9lb. It took 15 hours but was really delicious. Good luck!
I did 2 9 lb. butts a couple weeks ago on the performer. Used the minion method and kept the temp around 250 without refueling. It took around 14 hours and turned out great. Good luck, just remember, it's not rocket science...
Hi Randy-
Looking forward to hearing how the cook worked out. Up until this summer, I did all of my smoking on a kettle and it worked out great. I too used the minion method and was doing overnight smokes. Hope all worked well.
randy, your post inspired me too pull out the kettle yesterday. got bout a 4lb rack of spares and set up the firebricks on the kettle, bout 6 inches from bowl and foiled the grate.. funny thing was i was at kroeger and they had the Jack Daniels briquettes on sale, i figured what the heck.. filled the sisde up bout half way added wood and bout 7 lit and rolled.. i smoked from bout 12:30 too almost 6pm, at that point my fuel was gone.. i also put a water pan over the coals as i was trying too stay real LOW, cuse i might try brisket on the 4th.. it all went well, and those briquettes left little ash, pretty good.. oh well have fun..
Glenn in SC
I din't have time to do the butt,but I did do the ribs.I Used the bricks and minion method, the temp. never got over 300 and when it hit 300 closed the vents and brought it back down to 250-280. I used a dry rub from the Weber's big book of grilling its on page 163 called "Dry Ribs" followed it by the book,It was way to salty but other than that it tasted great, next time I will cut the salt in half, the ribs cooked perfectly, I was real happy, I took some pics with I phone they are a little blurred. I will try to post them when I get time to figure that out. I will use my better camera next time. Thanks to all of you who responded with tips and advise

