My first brisket cook


Josh O'Donn

TVWBB Member
Decided that I was going to do an overnight cook this weekend and do my first full packer brisket. We have a one month old baby who is up every 3-4 hours during the night so I figured I'd be able to check in on it a couples times through th night. Since this is my first attempt I've been watching and rewatching the Aaron Frankling YouTube videos and reading as much as I can here as well... Went with just your most basic salt and pepper rub...


Also injected it, my injection was 2 cups of beef broth, 1/4 cup of worcestershire, 1 tbs of garlic powder and 1 tbs of onion powder

Put it on the WSM at 10:45 last night. Set my IQ110 to ~235 and went to bed. Baby girl woke up around 2 am, so I checked on the smoker and was holding steady at 240, brisket temp was at 145. Gave the brisket a good soaking with 1:1 apple juice/beef broth mixture.

Baby girl work up again at 6 am, temp was at 169 and smoker still holding right at 240. Pulled the brisket and double wrapped in foil (forgot to pick up butcher paper).

Here it is just before going in to the foil


Internal temp hit 195 at about 9:30 this morning so I started probe testing every 20 minutes or so... I checked it around 10:30 and it seemed to be nice and tender, but I wasn't sure so I left it... Next check at 11 and it seemed to have tightened up... And wifey decided we needed to leave to run errands. So I just took a gamble and pulled it, put it straight into a cooler wrapped in several towels. Actually held it there for 6 hours until dinner before slicing into it, it was still 150 degrees when I opened it.

Here it is before slicing


And here are the first slices of the flat


Tenderness was spot on, the slices didn't pull apart under their own weight but easily came apart when I pulled on them. May have been just a tad bit on the dry side, but all-in-all I was SUPER pleased with my first attempt at a packer.
Forgot to mention the great deal I got on this brisket... Went to Sam's Club first just looking for a flat.... They were $5.99 a lbs and the packers were $3.48 a pound, so it was almost the same price to get a big flat or a big packer... The smallest packer they had was 18 lbs and I didn't want anything that big, so I ran up the road to Wal-Mart.... Low-and-behold they had 2 packers on the shelf that were market down to $2.09 a lb! A lady had one of them in her hand so I grabbed the other before she could grab it as well. Turns out it was on sale because it was a day past it's 'sell by' date. The meat was still fine though, and an 12.67 lb brisket for $26 and change was awesome.
Great job on your first brisket. I would have pulled it at 9:30 at 195 and wrapped in towels and put in a cooler just big enough to hold it. It will stay hot for hours. I've done this many times. Anyhow, it looks great and you did a great job! Congrats!
It looks great. Complimenti! I would like to know if you use water in water pan through the cooking session and if you add some liquid in foil . Thanks
Hi, no water in the pan, I just foiled it to make cleanup easier..... Also I did not add any liquid when I foiled it... I actually was planning to at least spray it again with the apple juice/ beef broth mix but I forgot, I was half asleep when I was doing it.
Great job on your 1st brisket! Much better then my first. (I didn't do enough homework first)
It sounds like your research paid off. You're starting out MUCH further along the brisket learning curve than most! I had to ruin a few before I figured out that I should probably read the instructions.

