This past weekend me and a buddy decided to go camping while the weather was nice, and I thought it would be a great time to try my first brisket. I picked up an 11.5lb packer from wally world and loaded up the WSM in the truck and off we went. I trimmed a lot of fat but left about a 1/4" of fat cap. I injected with beef broth and rubbed it down with some Black Ops brisket rub. I lit my chimney around 9:30pm and had the smoker up to temp and blowing clean smoke around 11pm, thats when I put the brisket on. I have a Party Q so there wasnt much need to get up and check it until the maverick told me when it hit 160. The Brisket hit 160 around 4:30am, so I got out of the tent, it was a brisk 37degrees outside, and foiled the brisket while half asleep. Reset the maverick to go off at 200 degrees. To my surprise the brisket was at 203 by 9:00am, I was expecting it to go until noon. So I took it off and seperated the point and the flat, and the point went back on for burnt ends, the flat got re-wrapped in foil and placed in the cooler for a nice 4 hr rest. The flat turned out nice and juicy, but the bark was not there, it was almost like a paste, I guess that is what happens when you foil, I dont know being this was my first time, but none the less it was delicious. The point smoked for 5 hours and the burnt ends were absolutely amazing. All in all it was a good cook and a lot of fun. Next time I am gonna wait a little longer before I foil to give the bark a better chance to set up, or maybe skip the wrap all together. Any advice on how to get a better bark is much appreciated. Attached are the only two pics I took, my hands were greasy and diddnt feel like pulling out my phone too much.