My First Brisket Attempt


Sean S.

Unfortunately it started pouring so I just couldn't keep the temp up to get it to 190-ish; I took it off at 160 but the sandwiches were still yummy

Looks great regardless.

If your cooker is not actually in the rain you can usually compensate fro impending storms if you bump the heat up ahead of time. Add some unlit atop the lit or if time is short add some lit. Flp the door upside down (knob on bottom) and prop open the door a half-inch or so to increase airflow. This will usually get the heat up sufficiently to work.
unfortunately mine is in the rain. it's under a tree but when it pours like this in the summer it doesn't help it too much; the water just seeps in and fills up the bottom.
Pics, look great. As Kevin mentioned high heat is an option for brisket. I prefer high heat over the low slow brisket. Wondering why you didn't wrap in foil and finish it in the oven? No matter, still looks great.
Next time I will pull and foil much sooner; after all those hours for a 3lb piece of meat I just wanted to eat

