Multi-Cultural Hot Dog Cook


Luke P

TVWBB All-Star
My wife's been at a church retreat all weekend, and I've had my 2 boys (almost 3 and 1 year old). Boys were down for a nap, so I threw some lump on the kettle and fired it up! She left me with plenty of food in the fridge including a whole lasagna, but I'm grilling for grilling sake :cool:

Multi-cultural cook begins with Hebrew National kosher hot dogs. Not the biggest dog you can get, but flavor's pretty tough to beat in a hot dog! Toppings will be Mexican Cheese mix from Kraft, homemade roasted salsa verde made this week for tacos, and a grilled white onion. National Bohemian beer for the All-American component.




Delicious! Buns were well-toasted, and flavors were pretty darn good.

Took advantage of the time and cut up my apple and cherry logs for future smokes! Didn't get to the white ash, but that'll be for another day. Thanks for looking.

Great looking dogs there Luke. White Ash hmmm....never used that one to smoke with interesting. Is that last pic cherry? If so it is really a light color for cherry.
I cut my own off wild cherry trees and its much darker and has a rough bark.
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Great looking dogs there Luke. White Ash hmmm....never used that one to smoke with interesting.
Neither have I, P. Mack. My brother has about 10 types of wood on his pile, and had some of this. Says it burns like oak. Everything I've read says very mild smoke flavor. Free = worth a try.
Great looking cook. Those Hebrew Dogs are great. I love them. You guys with your own wood are lucky. I just spent a pretty penny for 30 lbs. of assorted fruit wood.

