Mothers days cook....( So Cal members pay close attention)


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
For my mom Mother's Day is on May 10 every year regardless on what day it lands on. So on Saturday night around 11:00 we got dinner going. We got carried away talking and my grandmother was with us also. Nothing fancy here but my mom loves when I do this steaks.

Started with potatoes



Steaks go on.





Sunday we went out to BJs brew house for lunch with maribel and the kids



Here the special info for so cal members. The SoCal brethren bash is this Saturday 5-17
I know some of you guys are members there also. Just a friendly reminder.
We are going hope to meet lots of you guys.

Here's the thread for the bash

Have a great week everyone.

Tony and Maribel

Here's an Instagram video of the cook. 15 seconds. Follow us on Instagram. It's on private so request us. :eek:
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Great looking cook, and as always, better looking family.

Your daughter ordered a big beer! ;)
Tony my friend...the steak and sides are KILLER! You nailed that cook, I bet your Mom was proud of you. I really like BJ's also, nice beer and great menu, you're a good man taking care of your beautiful family so well.
But who is a member of bbq-brethren he knows this Tony.
But that's okay, let each one he wants to be. But a direct link to other websites, it is a blow below the belt. (I know that you are a fan of boxing;)) That's all.
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But who is a member of bbq-brethren he knows this Tony.
But that's okay, let each one he wants to be. But a direct link to other websites, it is a blow below the belt. (I know that you are a fan of boxing;)) That's all.

Mildo, on the bbq brethren we don't use our real names there. When they comment on a post I don't know if they are members from here. Except for a few. I'm always directing people to this site and even give shout outs to friends of mine here over there. I have made friends from Instagram that are members here now because they wanted to know more about webers. If Chris A. Feels my thread is not appropriate I have no problem with him deleting it. Have a great day Mildo. :)
You can be a nameless member of more forums Tony, but it is still true that the direct link to the other forum just is not fair. Anyone who wants to be active and elsewhere, will be active even without your link.
Nice couple of days! Why do you eat so late?

We get carried away talking....enjoying adult drinks. When it comes to grilling our family likes food right off the grill. Including my mother. When I was a kid my family get togethers would last until 2-3 morning and sometimes until 7 am. By that time my mother was already working on breakfast usually a menudo or pozole.
Might another reason be that you attended a certain event in Long Beach earlier in the day ;)

