Morton Sugar Cure


Richard Batey

I use Morton Tender Quick when making bacon. Recently on a trip I found a 7.5 lb. bag of Morton Sugar Cure which I have not opened, but it appears to be the same product except it has a packet of spices that are to be mixed with the cure (1.25 tsp spice/1 cup of cure).

Have you used the Morton Sugar Cure?

I recently found a website that I bought a bunch of casings and pink salt from that is a butcher supply store. They have the sugar cure on there and a description of all the items. I couldn't even find tenderquick anywhere in So Cal so this is the direction I had to go. Unfortunately shipping salt is not cheap. Spent more on shipping that the items. But a very informative site too. Allied Kenco Supply
Shiloh - yeah, it is hard to find Tender Quick locally . . . just not that much demand for the antique foodstuffs. I ordered it initially (shipping is more than the product), but found a small grocer who was willing to order some so I was then able to buy locally.

The Morton Sugar Cure also comes in a smoke flavor but I can do that with the Smokey Mt. or Big Chief.

Another source is Butcher & Packer Supply.

ps. do you know J. Higgins?
I reread my post and wasn't very clear, but I agree with you about how much of a pain it is. On the Kenco site if you click on the item it gives a full page description of each of the different salts and cures and what they would be best used for. After reading the description on there for the sugar cure, I went the direction of just buying some pink salt and figure I can add my own sugar if I want.
Most cure mixes--those you purchase or those you make yourself--contain some sugar. With pink salt it is easy to make blends yourself and is much cheaper as pink salt, though inexpensive, is only a small portion of a typical mix, the bulk being plain salt with a little, some, or a good quantity of sugar.

(Pink salt and Morton's mixes are not interchangeable 1:1 as I'm sure you realize.)
What Kevin said.... I bought a couple of different sizes of casings and some Pink Salt #1 and Pink Salt #2. Now I just need to find someplace to buy myself a whole hog out here in So Cal. I was looking into the Four H programs but because of what it is some of the pigs go for as much as $9/lb live weight.
If you can get to Paso Robles... . TLC raises pastured pigs in Watsonville but uses an abbattoir in PR. Perhaps you could arrange a pick-up there. TLC Ranch If that's not in the cards you should be able to arrange for a whole pig from one of the Hispanic markets near you. Won't be as good as a pastured one but it is an option.

Also see here for non-mass market beef, bison, lamb and chicken possibilities.

