MOINK Balls questions

I am going to attempt them this weekend. If i have room i was just going to throw them on with the ribs i am going to make. I'm also going to sprinkle them with the same rub i am using for my ribs.

My questions are these:

1. Is there a good BBQ to use? I don't make my own and i usually use Sweet Baby Rays. Would that be ok?
2. When you glaze the balls are you looking to get the sauce sticky? How long to cook when you dip them in the sauce? Smoker should be around 250 degrees.
3. I have apple wood and hickory, would that be good?

I know these are simple just like to know what i am doing before i do them.
Last time I made moinks, when they were done I dipped them in Sweet Baby Ray's and put them back on the grill for a few to mheat up and set the sauce. Apple would be my choice. I made mine on my 22.5 OTG indirect heat around 300-325 till the bacon was done. The mooinks are done when the bacon is done to your satifaction (crispyness).
I use precooked meatballs (you can get chicken, beef, or what have you, in the frozen meat department). I use thin sliced bacon and secure with a toothpick. I smoke them until the bacon is cooked (go by appearance). I use the same rub I use on my ribs (currently BRITU) and use Sweet Baby Rays. The last batch I used KC Masterpiece modified with honey. I just glaze the balls and keep them on long enough to set (five minutes or so).

Apple wood is my choice but hickory works well, also. When it comes to smoke, I believe "Less is more" - just use a light hand.

The last guests I had over told me my ribs were the best that they had ever had. I noticed that they went after the moink balls with at least as much gusto as the ribs (maybe more:rolleyes:)...

Big Mike,

Great minds think alike. Exactly what I'm cooking on Sunday. Have 11 people coming over and smoking 6 racks of ribs but wanted to have something extra because 6 ribs per person might not be enough. Had settled on moinks earlier this morning. Thought I might use something different that Sweet Baby Rays since that's what I'm using on the ribs. Might go with a little more spicy option. Was wondering about how long they will need to cook at 225-250 for the bacon to be crispy. Trying to time them to come off the smoker something like 30 minutes before the ribs. So I have pretty much the same question as Big long should I plan for moinks at 225-250?
Around an hour and a half to two hours, depending on the thickness of the bacon.

Big Mike,

Great minds think alike. Exactly what I'm cooking on Sunday. Have 11 people coming over and smoking 6 racks of ribs but wanted to have something extra because 6 ribs per person might not be enough. Had settled on moinks earlier this morning. Thought I might use something different that Sweet Baby Rays since that's what I'm using on the ribs. Might go with a little more spicy option. Was wondering about how long they will need to cook at 225-250 for the bacon to be crispy. Trying to time them to come off the smoker something like 30 minutes before the ribs. So I have pretty much the same question as Big long should I plan for moinks at 225-250?
Thanks guys. I am changing what i am going to make. My son requested a Fatty. So i am just going to do MOINK balls and 2 Pizza Fatties. Should be good.

