Missed it by...this much


Timothy F. Lewis

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Spotted an almost new 22.5 kettle last night, sold it yesterday afternoon, doggone it! There will be another, I know, fingers crossed.
You'll find it maybe sooner than later Timothy. Last year I missed on a ranch kettle by a few minutes. Week later another one came up and I snatched it up. Keep watching one will come up.
Thanks guys, a large cocktail followed by a Fosters ale and some family health turmoil have allowed the sting to fade a little. There will be another, I know.
Pray for my granddaughter.
Tim, do you have an app notifying you when new Weber post come on Craiglist? When I was searching I found it a must for Weber products on Craig's list, lots of people using alert apps so the good sales go quickly.
Been there too Tim. Right now I am trying to go see one that is listed and the only email the guy returned said yes it is available. Nothing but crickets since then.
there are kettles & performers on my local craigslist on a regular basis. I just picked up a nice performer for $50.00. you have to check twice a day & act fast when you find one.

