Mid-Atlantic Blizzard Smoke


Chad Bman

TVWBB All-Star
Wifey had to wake up at 4:45 to make sure school was canceled today, so I got up and started making smoke.

Here's the boys under the deck awaiting the bulk of the storm.

It's snowing on my butt...

Catching up with the latest storm info while suckin' some coffee.

Wifey is up, school is canceled, and she wants a 7AM Mimosa. Can't she see I'm busy tending to the pit temps???

It was a learning experience running in the winter wind, but other than burning through a lot of Stubbs, I was pleased.

Tried something different - didn't wrap with foil/towel/let rest a couple hours. Just rested on the counter 30 minutes.
Me thinks I'll go back to foilin' & wrappin'

Also tried my hand at choppin' instead of pullin'

No plated pics, cuz, there really wasn't any. I was eetin' while choppin' :cool:
Wifey normally likes some sweet sauce on her meat, but tonight all she wanted was a bowl of pork - as is. THAT was epic!
As for the snow - pretty much a bust here at home. Head an hour or so away and they got 16"ish. I'm happy with next to nuthin.

More in the next post. :D
Since I had more $$$ in charcoal than meat in the :wsm:, I raided the fridge to see what was available.
Here's a good start! Basket of seasonings is mine for the grills and not for general kitchen use. lol
(PS - empty wine bottles are for a pinterest inspired craft thing for a friend - she asked me to save them)

Making stuff up as I go. The only measurement I used was the 2 eggs. lol

Sure, this'll work...

C'mon in out of the cold...

Now we're cookin...

Little dip in the pit temp, but it was time to pull the meatloaf and give the coals a little breath of fresh air.

THIS is the reason there wasn't any plated pulled pork pics. :D

Needless to say, wifey & I have lunch & dinner covered for a while as it's just the two of us.

Ya'll come back now, ya hear....
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I am laughing out loud! Reading you script, looking @ the pictures, and seeing the results, I do believe its a WINNER! Now, Save enough for a meat loaf sandwich.;)
Nicely done, Chad. I was kicking myself for not planning properly and having a butt to cook yesterday. We did burgers instead.
Boy, that's a hard knock life there, Chad :rolleyes:! Great pics, good looking chow, nice way to spend a snow day.
Awesome post, Chad! Looks like a great way so spend a snow day. Thanks for sharing the pics of all the hard work you did!!:)
Thanks fellas! Since getting the WSM, wifey has been the envy of the break room at school re-heating her lunches.
I learned a lot from this forum and probably wouldn't have the success I do without y'alls influence & guidance. :D

