Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Hello everyone!
I found this recipe on page 174 of the Weber’s Big Book Of Grilling.
Very similar to the beef version, although, this one has a sauce that grooves with the paste.
This recipe calls for any type of pork chop close to 2” thick, and tonight, I used pork loin chops one and three quarter inches thick. Beautiful chunks of meat....

The paste for the chops consisted of all this:

I forgot to photo the ingredients of the sauce butt it basically consisted of olive oil, red onion (I used Vidalia), garlic, ancho chiles (I used Poblanos), dry red wine (I got plenty of that
), OJ, catsup and balsamic vinegar.
Got the OTSBurg set-up with the CIGs and tonight, after likin’ how much Don “Money” (old 3rd baseman for our Milwaukee Brewers) Cash is likin’ lump charcoal, I thought I’d give it a whirl too. So I bought up some Royal Oak SteakHouse Lump Charcoal. Like, 4 bags... (after tonight’s cook, I’m going back for more!)

~On sale at Menard’s for 3something an 8point8 lb bag ~
At this time, the dinner stars are lookin’ a little fried....

butt I ain’t the least bit worried, gone in for another (small) cocktail of the gin variety
then sat back an' whistled an ol' John Hartford bluegrass tune.
Not too much time later, everything fell right into plate! (I mean, place).

Thank you for spending your time viewing this post.

...and enjoy the evening

Oh yeah, everything was rightOn! You know, like... Groovy?!
Jim, I'm learning quickly that you are the man. Every time I see your post, I know there will be great pic of amazing food.

What's up with the pepers? I am kind of a chilli-head. Are they just grilled jalepenos? Anyway, they look real good tasting.

Keep drinking that gin. I read somewhere, it can increase happiness.
Thanks Ernie, hey, i'm still learnin' a lot here, and gatherin' stuff ALOTTA STUFF from others (actually, stealin' it -Shhh)
the peppers are only peppers. grilled until i eet em. no big deal, I jus' happen to like peppers. And food. Lotsa food. And gin. Beer.
Anyway, thanks.
<span class="ev_code_GREY">Good night
You psyched me out with your "Pork Steak" header dude, that ain't no St Lou style PS, but I can dig it Bro!

Boss lookin' meal man, and the 'steaks' are totally narly!
Keep on Truckin'!!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bob Correll:
You psyched me out with your "Pork Steak" header dude, that ain't no St Lou style PS, but I can dig it Bro!

Boss lookin' meal man, and the 'steaks' are totally narly!
Keep on Truckin'!! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I agree. I thought a pork steak was cut from the shoulder.

Regardless, that looks like some good eats.
Thank you!

The name of the recipe in the Weber book is called MESQUITE PORK STEAKS ... I just used that name. I wasn't trying to mislead anyone.
A correction has been made in the title of this posting.
Thanks again.
No sweat Bob, i just do not wanna confuse anyone or mislead them.
I know in my heart that when I'm grillin' Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs, i know i'm grillin' the finest steaks available.


see, i left out the key word, "tube".
I so wish I could grill a double thick pork chop or for that matter any pork chop. I just can't do it. I think I can learn but at 60 should I.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Paul Kastner:
...tell me the basics of grilling those jumbo pork chops. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>piece of pie Paul

sear 'em over high heat bout 4-5 minutes a side (the sear marks should be pronounced) - then indirect until the internal temp hits 140'F (bout 10-20 minutes, i check after 10)
i then take 'em off the grill and foil them for say, what? ten- fifteen minutes or so.
they're done an' ready to eet.
i use ta HATE making chops of any thickness cuz i olways over-cooked em an they were super-dead-dry... butt something came over me an this is the way i olways doem now.
thanks for askin'

