Chris E
Originally posted by rich langer:
I would like someone to cook three chix as an experiment
First - your fav beer can recipe
Second - as first but with an empty can -(drink it, don't pour it out)
Third - as second but with the bottom of the can cut out
Serve the bird to your pals etc. and see what they think.
I've done this--sort of. Where I end up is that about 1/3 can of beer works best because it will get to boiling at some point during the cook and the inside of the chicken won't be raw. And it gives me a reason to pound a few partial cans of beer up front.

I also just stand the chickens up on end without any device. If you don't have a 4.0 earthquake they'll stand up on their own once you tweak the legs right. Here's a pic of 6 no-can chicken. You can use an empty can if you need more stability or if you're thirsty.

I don't cook with water pan but folks but apple juice, cider vinegar, beer and all kinds of stuff in the water pan for flavor. I think this flavors the skin but doesn't go deep into the meat so probably best for ribs only, IMO.
I don't like brining chix or turkey because the skin always seems really rubbery.
Now a days I go with no can and stand those little chix up in the WSM at 325-375 for a couple hours. I do turkey breast or spatch turkey on the top rack with no brin but inject/slather with butter and olive oil injection, maybe a little apple juice in there. Skin comes out crispy.
I have thrown some beer can chix on the kettle at a party because people ask for it, its a show and they talk about it. I don't think it changes the taste, which comes from the rub and the smoke and the temp profile. If you want to throw the can in there for effect keep the beer to a minimum or it just slows you down.