Meat prices for butt, shoulder, etc.

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a galarneau

TVWBB Member
The stuff you use to make pulled pork - how much a pound usually?

Here in Buffalo fresh pork picnic and Boston butts go for 2.49 to 2.99 a pound. I thought this stuff was supposed to be cheap? Or maybe it's just me who's cheap.
I know what you mean. I was at federal on Saturday, and they want 2.99 a pound. If you want a good source on local pork, drive on out to Niagara County Produce. They are at Millersport & Transit. Another good place is Shawnee Meat Market. They have thier own on site smokehouse there also. They make thier own hot dogs with no fillers.

Thanks for the suggestion. I go by Shawnee every day on the way to work. I didn't know they sold meat, though.
Wegman's has had butt for $1.49/lb in the past. I picked up two two-packs for that price sometime in June. Also, I was in Sam's Club here in Rochester Saturday and I seem to recall they had two-packs for $1.89/lb. I know they had spare ribs for $1.99/lb untrimmed, and trimmed for $2.09/lb.

HTH. Peace. Out.

Whoo doggy... $2.09 for ribs, trimmed? You mean St. Louis cut? Wegmans has them in the flyer for $2.49/lb and I got all excited. Now I have to find someone with a Sam's Club card ...

Thanks for the info.
Hold the bus!! My bad. Just went back to my notes -- Sam's had trimmed (St. Louis style) bibs for $2.99/lb (not $2.09/lb as I posted earlier). Still and all, not a bad price. I'll bet the Wegman's @ $2.49 is a full rack that need trimming. But, I bet you can get the butcher at Wegman's to do the trimming for you at no charge... Worth a try at any rate...

Peace. Out.

Here in central KY today I bought a 3 pack of untrimmed spares at Sam's for 2.19 lb. and a 3 pack of baby backs for 2.99lb. That's the best price I've seen anywhere here. They weren't "flavor" injected either, just pure pork. Great Q'ing to all.


[This message has been edited by Johnny Thompson (edited 08-13-2001).]
In southern NJ I just paid 1.49 for racks of ribs. Last time I bought a butt (boned) - 1.59. Chicken is usually .79. "Oh" and a case off Rolling rock is 13.99 (very important ingrediant!).
And Greenspud tells us their is no inflation - I think he should get re-tired.

Just a note to those in WNY - I think the best spares price in these parts is Sam's Club. Not St. Louis cut exactly, but with at least the brisket bone removed: $1.99.

Get this: Niagara County Produce has pork butt at $1.38/lb.

Load me up, hoss.

[This message has been edited by a galarneau (edited 08-15-2001).]
Just bought pork butt for .99/lb on special at Ingles (groc. chain in the south). It is normally around $2.00/lb
I just bought a bunch of meat at Costco in Los Angeles for a barbecue at work. The pork butt was $.95 per pound. The brisket was $2.25 per pound. The spare ribs were $1.99 per pound. And the loin back ribs were $3.99 per pound.

I'm going to season them on Tuesday and cook them Wednesday night. Take them off the cooker at 9 or 9:30, wrap them in foil, and put them in a cooler covered in towels so we can eat around 1:00.

In Chicago Jewel (regional grocery chain) has baby backs for......get this... $5.99/lb!!! I have not seen them for less then $4.09/lb at local stores in chicago. I guess I'll stick with different butt recipies for the near future.
I checked at our local DeKalb Farmers' Market, a huge place generally regarded to have pretty good prices, a few days ago and they were also $5.99/lb. They looked very good, though. Spares were $2.99/lb.

Buy a whole hog, price worked out to about $1.65/lb for everything, including cutting, smoking cost, plus you control how you want it cut, so you can get the hams unsmoked and cut as roasts to use yourself in a smoker. My last hog yielded some fine roasts, baby backs, spare ribs, etc. Of course you need the freezer space.
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