Meat & Fish, Same Smoker


Michael D

New member
Hi all -

I recently purchased my first WSM, this one of the 22.5" variety. First smoke was great!

I have a question: can I use the same smoker to smoke meats and fish? I wound't be doing this at the same time, but I've read that using the same WSM for meat and fish at different times can leave an unwanted flavor, where the meat picks up fish flavors and vice versa.

Can anyone comment on that from experience? Any tips or gotchas I should be considering?

i do not smoke fish, butt i've heard AND read that two smokers are the way to go.
1 for fish.
1 for meat.
I have smoked fish, mostly salmon, and meat in the same smoker for a couple of years. Not at the same time, though. No problems, but I give the grates a good clean before switching.
I don't do fish in my WSM. I'm sure it's just my imagination but I think it will smell fishy and flavour my meat forever. That said, I have no problem doing fish on my grill.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by James Harvey:
I don't do fish in my WSM. I'm sure it's just my imagination but I think it will smell fishy and flavour my meat forever. That said, I have no problem doing fish on my grill. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

That raises a good question I haven't even considered. Same here. No problems grilling anything and everything in my kettles, but I've heeded Soo's warnings and never tried fish in my bullet.
Dave, I think the HH from my grill will burn off any food flavours. On the other hand, I don't think smoking at low temps will do the same. I also think that I've spent a few years seasoning my WSM for meat and don't want to spoil that with fish.

Maybe it's just perception but I can't bring myself to cook fish in the WSM.

