Maverick thermometer probes


Mike F (The Wino)

New member
I'm about to buy a new ET-732 or 733 for my WSM, and I'll probably order a replacement smoker chamber probe for my old ET-73 since it is probably why that thermometer is acting erratically. I've read here (I think) and elsewhere that the probes are the weak link with these devices, and I seem to recall reading about some mods people have done to try and help reduce probe failures, but a fairly exhaustive search here on TVWBB hasn't turned anything up. I'm probably using the wrong search terms...who knows. Anyway, if I'm remembering correctly, the mods had something to do with using automotive heat shrink (?) on the cable to probe interface which theoretically would prevent moisture intrusion, which is apparently what causes most failures.

Has anyone here tried something like this, and if so, how did it work for you? How about other probe mods?

Thanks, and cheers!

