Maverick et-73 mod



Not being able to handle having something that isn't working as it should, last night I began my journey into the insides of my maverick et-73 wireless thermometer.

My problem was not having reception in my bedroom (only 25-30ft away from WSM, but many walls in between).

So I pulled out my trusty screwdriver and pulled the reciever apart. Just as I hoped for I spotted the antenna inside, looped around the whole inside of the unit. My plan at this point was to just unwravle (sp?) the antenna and have it just come out of the case (thinking if it was in a straight line I would get better reception). I carved a little notch in the case at the bottom for the antenna to pass through. Now off to fix the on/off switch I broke during disassembly (what a POS switch, not very strong, no suprise there have been a few folks breaking these). I didn't have a switch to use, so I just have two wires coming out for now (connect the wires and it's "on", disconnect them to turn it "off", a hack, but it works for now). Got everything back together, turned it all on and went for a stroll through the house. A nice suprise, it gets reception in the bedroom now
Wooo Hoooo!

For anyone with a similar problem, it's a pretty easy mod and may just fix your problem.

1) take off the battery cover.
2) take out the 6 screws.
3) pull the back cover off, be careful to pull it straight out as to not break the on/off switch. (it sticks straight up from the circuit board and is realy flimsy)
4) you'll see a black wire coming out of the top center of the circuit board and wrap around the whole unit, follow it to the end thats not connected to anything and start pulling on it, its glued in a couple of spots.
5) cut a little notch in the bottom of the case (I just used a small knife, it was easy) and pass the antenna wire through the notch and out of the case.
5) reassemble

If anyone is interested, I can post some pictures, just let me know.

<<Not being able to handle having something that isn't working as it should, last night I began my journey into the insides of my maverick et-73 wireless thermometer.>>

Cool on the mod, at least yours worked. My receiver died after 1 (ONE) use. Maverick just replaced it but could not or would not tell what was wrong wtih it.

Best part i didnt know it was broken till i set up for an overnight PB Smoke a few weeks ago. Doh!
It's the reciever. I did a quick look at the transmitter and didn't see any quick and easy fix to increase range.

I'll post pics tonight.

ok, Here's the picture if the maverick innerds.

The red line shows the original route of the antenna wire (the black wire). The blue circle is where the on/off switch (I broke my switch off and you can see the red/black wires I soldered in it's place, they run out of the switch hole now). The green circle is where I cut a little v in the case and run the antenna wire out of the case. As is I figure I boosted my range by 20-30%. I'm still going to play with the antenna length to see if I can boost it a bit more.

I'm still no where close to the advertised 100 feet, but I'm gonna get there eventually. It'll probably end up looking like something that fell of the spaceshuttle by then...

Anton, tried to take the back off last night but couldn't get the bottom section (where batteries sit) to release. Didn't want to force it and break it. Any suggestions? Also found a cheap mod for those of you who don't like hanging your ET73 on the unit because of the heat. Go to any building supply store and buy a commercial hidden gutter hanger. It clips on to the edge of the WSM. You can hang your ET73 from one of the holes in the other end(or drill one if it doesn't come with one). Keeps the unit at least 6" away from the WSM plus allows you to remove the smoker lid without having to touch the ET73. Of course you still have the wire issue but that is something else
Sorry about the picture. Whats the deal with posting pictures here? It was there last night when I checked on it. Anyone have any ideas? I have it in my yahoo photo gallary...

I have Firefox and I right clicked on the broken picture image and clicked copy image location...I then pasted that in a new window and I can see the picture. Try this

There's nothing about this bulletin board that prevents the photos from being posted or displayed. It's either something wrong with the URLs, or the server won't serve the image for some reason.


The problem was that the original link was for a page at Yahoo that had the picture on it. If you right click on the pages image and then copy and paste that link, it works.
I just got one of the Mavericks about 3 months ago, finally tried it out and it wasnt recieving, unfortuanatly i lost instructions. Is this thing supposed to just be plug and play or was there a step i am missing to get the transmitter and reciever to start working
Originally posted by Rick M...:
I just got one of the Mavericks about 3 months ago, finally tried it out and it wasnt recieving, unfortuanatly i lost instructions. Is this thing supposed to just be plug and play or was there a step i am missing to get the transmitter and reciever to start working

Once you have good batteries installed you must turn on the receiver and then turn on the transmitter, within a period of about 60 seconds.
Yeah, it's wierd. When I use the firefox browser I can see the pictures (I used firefox to originally post), when I use interet explorer I can't see it (my frustrated posts
). Anywy if anyone can't get the picture to load I can email the photo to you, or you can look at my yahoo photo album.
I took mine apart last night and didnt see any antenna wire in there. I did however manage to snap off the on/off switch
. Now I will have to ues the point of a knife to turn it on and off.

Maybe I will rip it apart again tonight to take another look.

