Master Touch


David P Harrisburg

TVWBB Member
When did Weber add the keyhole on air intake for the Master-Touch? Is their a date ? If I go to Lowe`s and buy one how do I know if it has the update? Also show`s the original kettle with keyhole on Weber web site.
It would appear to be a MT exclusive. I thought the keyholes would be on the Performer Deluxe too (since it and the MT share the GBS system, char baskets and lid holder) but they are not. Without actually seeing the keyhole vents in the bowl, one can tell if it is so equipped by looking at the ash catcher. If there are two "wave" cutouts (representing a smoke setting) between the open and closed symbols, it has the keyhole vent inside.

I stand corrected. It looks like it's available on the Summit, MT, and OKP. It is not available on the 26er, any of the Performers or the OKC (18&22). I'll quit trying to make sense of Weber's decision making now.
OK I feel like the Weber idiot, what do the keyholes do??? I just think it would keep from being able to shut down his air flow after one is done cooking?

