Manual Meat Grinder




I'm going to pull the trigger on a manual meat grinder, but I thought I would ask the good folk here for any recco's before I do.

I've been looking at this one. It's sitting in my JOSE shopping cart right now.

When I first saw the suction cup base I thought no but saw it also comes with a screw down clamp.
Reviews seem good with all SS materials. I had a Lem years ago but had a hard time clamping it to Formica countertops with a rounded edge.
I had to break out a folding table.
When I first saw the suction cup base I thought no but saw it also comes with a screw down clamp.
Reviews seem good with all SS materials.
Took delivery today. It's built like a tank! All SS. The suction cup base is solid as a rock! I couldn't budge it a millimeter once I attached it to the counter-top. It comes with a six-inch "cheater pipe" to get the suction cup lock-handle rotated over 180˚.
I'll test-drive it this week sometime. I'm thinking of grinding rib-eye steaks to make smashburgers, & pork-belly & shoulder to make sausages.
Is silver skin an issue when grinding? Or does it just grind up along with the lean meat and fat?
Is silver skin an issue when grinding? Or does it just grind up along with the lean meat and fat?
I'm no expert Dan, but from what I've been reading some people leave it on, but most say to remove as much as possible as it apparently gets caught around the cutting blade. Sinew, tendon etc should not be used in the grinder as again it gets wrapped around the cutting blade.
Thanks. When I trim tri-tip I freeze the scraps and was planning to use them along with chuck and some brisket trimmings.

I'll spend some time and extract the silver skin before grinding, or maybe just fry the tri tip scraps up for my four legged friend.
I think its cool factor just pegged its gauge.

My Oma made all the sausage for the family and had a job.
Her grinder was old, far from shiny and had like a c-clamp as its base that she just attached to the kitchen table.
Other than the few differences I mentioned it looked exactly like the same grinder and worked great.

