Magnets for mounting HM


Dave Gee

New member

I'm looking for a way of mounting my HM and was hoping to use magnets. Would putting magnets inside the HM case impact the components, or Pi? I assume it's a bad idea, but thought I would check nonetheless.

I took a magnet out of a hard drive and glued it to the back of my HM case and it's fine. I've actually ordered 3 sets of neodymium magnets to integrate into my sliding back case but none of them were strong enough to do the job. The hard drive magnet holds the HM in place real good though with no adverse effects...
excellent, thanks Ralph. I have quite a few neodymium magnets about so thought they could be put to good use in this capacity. I'll give it a go.
sorry to disappoint but this is to mount it to a sous vide controller box not bbq. It may be versatile and able to be used for a bbq mount in some capacity though

