Lump question

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Dean C.

I have used Kingsford in my WSM's since I bought them but would like to try lump. I have also always used the standard method, basically because it has always worked well, and my question is do you add the same amount of Lump as you would Kingsford (basically two full weber chimneys). I have heard that lump burns faster and hotter, this is why I was wondering if you needed less. I might as well ask with this post also if anyone has had a good experience with the Kamado coconut charcoal. Thanks for the input.

I have use both Kingsford and lump. The temp control is the same as with briquets. The lump will burn hotter only if you let it burn hotter.

I find that the lump actually last longer than Kingsford, pound for pound.

I always use the Minion method. Now that its cold I do about 24 lit Kingsford on a full ring of lump. Any leftovers just get used as a base for the next cook.

I have the charcoal ring wired to the grate, so all I have to do is pick it up, give it a shake, and all the ash goes into the bottom section.


P.S. I would like to try the Kamado but I think you have to buy a whole pallet.
I really like the Kamado charcoal. I split a pallet with some folks here in MI. It was on sale so with shipping the per box price was about the same as it not being on sale ($11 or so). It's great stuff, but it's hard to justify the money. I've only used it on the overnight cooks and it was real stable and burns a very long time.

As for lump, I can get Royal Oak here and I don't see a big difference between using it or Kingsford. I like that lump has less ash to deal with. I too use the Minion Method. Not sure how different it would be if I used the standard method.
I'm one of the guys who split the Kamado with Jerry and I really enjoy it on longer cooks, it seems to have a definite longer burn time than lump or Kingsford. It also has significantly less ash.

For regular cooks I have been using Royal Oak Lump and Kingsord for my shorter cooks.

Let me know when you are ready again Jerry!!!!!
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