Low and Slow with Kingsford Competition?


Gil Matar

Hello there,
Has anyone had success with using Kingsford Competition briquets for a Low and Slow (15+ hours) smoking session?

My plan is to use the Minion Method, with a full water pan. I anticipate that I would need to keep the lower vents on the WSM mostly closed.


Many times, with no issues (18.5" WSM.) I usually will make sure that I'll be around to double check my fuel load at about 12 hours into the cook (good time to check the water level, too, if using it), just to be on the safe side.

Thanks Rich,

Any issues with kicking up ash when stirring the coals? Or when adding new ones?

And when you add new ones, do you light them first in your chimney, or do you just put them in?

No ash issues thus far. I generally will give the charcoal bowl a good whack with the end of my fist when walking by (do this quickly, it's hot!), when I remember.... When adding more coals, I try to do it somewhat gently, but I don't fret what little ash might get stirred up. Also, pre-light or not kind of depends on my mood and how far along my original coals are when I notice I may need more. Sometimes, if you catch it late, you need a lit chimney added to get temp up. If I see it earlier, I'll just add unlit (figure that's how I was burning them before anyway using the Minion method.)

You will figure out the routine that works for you, I'm sure. Hopefully this gets you started off.

Glad I found this post; exactly what I was looking for. I'm looking to do an 18-20 hour cook on a massive butt this weekend, and I saw Chris' tweet about Kingsford Competition going on special at Costco ($4 coupon per 2x18 bags). Thought I'd give it a try over KBB.
Yes, they burn hot, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'd much rather wake up to my cooker running a little hot than having to stir the coals. The stuff is a little expensive though and I've been using some regular Kbb for the bottom charcoal layer, Kcomp to finish filling up the ring, and some Kbb in my chimney for lighting.

