looking for NEW


Sean C

TVWBB Member
Hi, been looking on here for a few weeks, and have just joined in! Looking at getting a new toy this weekend but cant work out what way to go?
looking at the Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker and the Char griller Akorn Kamado!
I don't think I would ever use the units for steaks or pizzas! the char griller would look good under the pergola, where the smokey mountain would live in the shed! The Char Griller is new and very cheap for a Kamado= would it last? will it rust? will it crack? in 2 to 3 years!!!
The weber has been around a along time, has good back up service! My eyes say Kamado (will it last) my heart says weber (in the shed), the kamado is $190 cheaper then the weber, both come with covers, the kamado comes with racks and heat deflector, has any one used a char grill kamado for more then a year?
cheers, any help with my decision?
My 2 cents worth is go with the WSM! I have looked at the Akorn and yes it is cheaper, but you are having the same
doubt I had, will it last? The WSM is going to last a lifetime unless you really abuse it. You might want to check out the reviews
on You Tube of the Akorn and of the WSM. This may make sure decision easier. I also see no reason why the WSM has to live in
the shed. It will be perfectly fine under your pergola.
Hi Sean; hmmmmm..... I am biased and would say the WSM is a better smoker all around than the Kamado for a few reasons. One; it's easier to dial in a temperature and not as finicky. Also, the ceramic cookers hold a lot of their heat residually and that's fine but if your temps go off it takes it that much longer to get up to temp or down again. My experience with the WSM is it's pretty easy to work with. My brother has a BGE and I have been impressed with his steaks, but I also know I can easily get the same result with my Performer. If you get the WSM make sure it includes the cover.

Here's my R2D2

Welcome to the forums Sean! I second Mike's vote for the WSM. I've had my 18.5" WSM for a while and it's been everything I wanted and expected, and then some. Plus, there's no match for Weber's customer service! What's the phrase..."spend a lot, cry once..."?!

Edit: I second Pete's vote too - he beat my post with his post!
Hi Sean. I'd have to agree with the other guys, go for the WSM. I just bought mine a few weeks ago and so far it's been very easy to use and the results have been wonderful. It may be more money but it's worth it and I don't regret buying it. Also, I don't know why you'd want to hide it in the shed...it looks good in any setting.
going to 4 shops tomorrow, the problem is 2 shops sell weber brands the other 2 sell kamaos plus other brands but not weber! would like to see them side by side. but the wife want's the weber brand.! as we all ready have 3 other webers. thanks for the info as well

