Interesting comment...I use Weber Firestarter Cubes to light a Weber charcoal chimney without using expanded metal. I fill the chimney with charcoal, set it aside, then put two cubes on top of the grate, light them, and put the chimney over the cubes. When I lift the chimney of hot coals, I always see the spent cubes in the bottom of the charcoal bowl, but they stay on the grate long enough to do their job every time without expanded metal. At least that's been my experience.You DO need to have a piece of expanded metal over the charcoal grate (to keep the lighter cube from falling through the grate).
hi all, just want to know if the looftlighter is any good for a WSM! ONLY REASON I ASK. is we have a small yard and when I use the weber charcoal starter, heaps of sparks jump around, & when I pour them into the wsm, its spark city! and I worry whats going to catch on fire!