Logistics help with brisket and chuck rolls.



New member
This weekend I'm planning on smoking a 17lb brisket and 2 4lb chuck rolls. I am going to cook them low and slow. This is my first time cooking different cuts so different in weight.

Which meat should go on top?

Should I start them at the same time?

If the brisket goes on the bottom what do you recommend I do since the brisket is bigger than the grate. I don't think I want it to touch the sides of the WSM.

Anything else?

Again many thanks!
I'd probably start the chuck rolls a lot later. They could still take a long time though. You can put them on the bottom but you'll have to move the brisket on and off if you do that. Are you planning on wrapping the brisket?
That might be a good time to put the chuck rolls on and at that point the brisket may have shrunk enough to put on the bottom rack after you wrap it. I'm guessing though. Brisket might finish a little earlier and you can probably rest it in a faux cambro.

