LinkMeter v2 Homebrew BBQ Controller - Part 2

The ATmega is removable because it is programmable (and partially because a year ago it was a $5 part). The shift register is fixed function. In my mind it is like asking why every resistor doesn't have a socket. I should probably list the DIP28 socket as optional now too, considering flashing from the Pi is 99.99% successful.

I updated my Linkmeter with the updated AVR Firmware and now it isn't communicating with the OpenWRT software. I can control everything still from my button on the router but can't view any settings from Linkmeter.

I updated to this version v3.2 v4.0 snapshots/trunk/heatermeter.hex Sat Jun 08 2013 14:04:05 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Now when I try to check any settings in Linkmeter everything is blank and it can't confirm the Firmware version of Linkmeter...

Router Name Linkmeter
Router Model Linksys WRT54G/GS/GL
Firmware Version OpenWrt Firmware Attitude Adjustment (r29664) / LuCI Trunk (trunk+svn8147)
Kernel Version 3.0.12

Also when I attempt to update my Router with what I'm assuming is the most recent version firmware at this address (linkmeter-wrt54g-squashfs.bin) it keeps rebooting before it's done uploading (at around 77-88%)...
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You need to use the TRX file to upgrade. but you almost certainly have to do any OpenWrt firmware upgrade from the command line or via tftp. There's simply not enough RAM to store the firmware image and flash it. Back up your configuration, SSH into the device, and stop lucid (frees up a good chunk of RAM) `/etc/init.d/lucid stop` then use sysupgrade:

If you're lucky it will work, but 75%+ of the time that will just leave you with a non-functioning firmware (there's some serious bugs in the OpenWrt upgrade system that have since supposedly been resolved). If it doesn't come back up in 10 minutes, you'll need to TFTP reinstall.

Alternatively you could try just upgrading the linkmeter package from the "software" page and hope for the best.
Hello all,
I'm trying to figure out the differences between some of the build options as stated on the website HERE

As a reminder, HeaterMeter refers to the ATmega (Arduino) based microcontroller board that runs the LCD, reads button and temperature probe inputs, and controls the blower motor. This document describes the configurations and design of the HeaterMeter board, which may optionally be attached to a Raspberry Pi. For connecting directly to a Linksys router, use HeaterMeter 3.0 Hardware.

What is the difference in building HeatMeter 3.0 or 4.0 as well as the operation?
Does the Raspberry Pi take the place of the Linksys for web page control?


Ok I think I answered my own question...
Instead of deleting my question I figured I would answer it here just in case someone else has the same brain fart.
Moderators, delete if you want to save space.

  • RaspberryPi computer (HeaterMeter v4.0) Easiest, smallest, and most powerful current solution. Recommended for all new builds.
  • Linksys WRT54GL router (HeaterMeter v3.0 - v3.2) Original concept, still supported but difficult to set up, requires extra hardware to flash chips, and not enough RAM/storage to incorporate new features.
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You need to use the TRX file to upgrade. but you almost certainly have to do any OpenWrt firmware upgrade from the command line or via tftp. There's simply not enough RAM to store the firmware image and flash it. Back up your configuration, SSH into the device, and stop lucid (frees up a good chunk of RAM) `/etc/init.d/lucid stop` then use sysupgrade:

If you're lucky it will work, but 75%+ of the time that will just leave you with a non-functioning firmware (there's some serious bugs in the OpenWrt upgrade system that have since supposedly been resolved). If it doesn't come back up in 10 minutes, you'll need to TFTP reinstall.

Alternatively you could try just upgrading the linkmeter package from the "software" page and hope for the best.

Any reason why I would get a bad address for I confirmed via the routers diag tools that it can see the website.

root@Linkmeter:~# /etc/init.d/lucid stop
Stopping LuCId superserver: lucid.
root@Linkmeter:~# sysupgrade
Saving config files...
Sending TERM to remaining processes ... dnsmasq ntpd syslogd klogd hotplug2
Sending KILL to remaining processes ...
Switching to ramdisk...
Performing system upgrade...
wget: bad address ''
wget: bad address ''
Could not get image header, file too small (0 bytes)
Image check failed.
Upgrade completed
Rebooting system...
Probably could be because once it stops dnsmasq it might not be able to resolve it any more. You can add it to your /etc/hosts file and get around that
Probably could be because once it stops dnsmasq it might not be able to resolve it any more. You can add it to your /etc/hosts file and get around that

Weird, it's still having issues even when I hard coded the host name in to the IP.

I thought I could maybe FTP it up to the router and then do it, but FTP isn't installed on the router so I can't do that, and it doesn't seem like FTPviaSSH is running either.

So how do I go about doing it via TFTP... :(
Haha you couldn't FTP it there anyway, because there's only 300KB of free space. :)

-- Download the BIN file (not trx for this method)
-- Set your machine's IP address to
-- tftp -i put linkmeter-wrt54g-squashfs.bin (don't press enter here)
-- Plug in the Linksys router. All the LEDs will light up and go out in about a second
-- Press enter on your tftp command line
-- If you got the timing just right it should upload in just a few seconds. If so wait about 5 minutes for it to flash, if not unplug it and try again

It helps to have your machine and the Linksys plugged in another router rather than plugging into the linksys directly. It can take too long for windows to say "oh hey I'm plugged in, let me get that IP stuff all settled for you" TOO LATE. There's only a 1 or 2 second window where the TFTP server is active.
I'm assuming I can tftp to whatever IP I have my linkmeter set up for? Or does it have to be .1?

Haha you couldn't FTP it there anyway, because there's only 300KB of free space. :)

-- Download the BIN file (not trx for this method)
-- Set your machine's IP address to
-- tftp -i put linkmeter-wrt54g-squashfs.bin (don't press enter here)
-- Plug in the Linksys router. All the LEDs will light up and go out in about a second
-- Press enter on your tftp command line
-- If you got the timing just right it should upload in just a few seconds. If so wait about 5 minutes for it to flash, if not unplug it and try again

It helps to have your machine and the Linksys plugged in another router rather than plugging into the linksys directly. It can take too long for windows to say "oh hey I'm plugged in, let me get that IP stuff all settled for you" TOO LATE. There's only a 1 or 2 second window where the TFTP server is active.
Amazingly enough I finally got back to this. I was able to flash via TFTP. I did get things to display again. I know this is really old, but thanks! :) Now to start smoking again. YAY.
Is there anyone still rocking the old Heatermeter/Linkmeter setup? What is the most recent version of OpenWRT you can get installed on your router? And how did you get it on there?

