You can try seeing if it is a web problem by ssh/telnetting in and running a set command from lmclientOriginally posted by Bryan Mayland:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by D Peart:
I can change the set point on via HM and see the change in LM, but if I change the set point or even probe names on LM I don't see them get updated on HM, instead a few seconds later they get overwritten to their previous values.
<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">
lua /usr/lib/lua/lmclient.lua LMST,sp,225
That should set the setpoint to 225. If that works then something is up with the web interface. If that doesn't work then try setting it directly through the serial port
<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">
echo -e \\n/set?sp=225 > /dev/ttyS1
If still nothing, then sounds like something is screwed up with the serial. Try removing the HM board and connecting the router RX/TX together and seeing if you can echo things to it with the instructions I posted on the previous page.
Changing topic! A workaround to the time being off until Openwrt fixes it upstream. Go to the web interface and go to System -> Startup and add a line to the rc.local at the bottom. First, go to the list of time servers and pick one that is up and near you geographically then add to the rc.local (before the exit 0)
<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">
rdate servername
# example
Your clock will be synced on bootup with the time server. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
The lua resulted in an OK response, but the set point never changed.
The echo command never returns. I double checked my serial connections and they appear correct. I'm not sure what has changed since I know this worked before. I'll have to hook it up to the computer and see what I can see.
EDIT: Reflashing HM fixed it.