Originally posted by Bryan Mayland:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave S (GeoDave):
Yeah that doesn't work for me at all. I usually use just the command line to flash it:
<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">
C:\Arduino\arduino-0022\hardware\tools\avr\bin>avrdude.exe -C ..\etc\avrdude.conf -cusbtiny -pm328p -v -B1 -Pusb -D
or add the -V option to make if faster by skipping the verify. The flash takes 10seconds, ZING! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Command line doesn't work for me...same error:
C:\>C:\arduino-0022\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe -C C:\arduino-0022\hardwa
re\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf -cusbtiny -pm328p -v -B1 -Pusb -D -Uflash:w:C:\Use
avrdude.exe: Version 5.4-arduino, compiled on Oct 11 2007 at 19:12:32
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean,
System wide configuration file is "C:\arduino-0022\hardware\tools\a
Using Port : usb
Using Programmer : usbtiny
Setting bit clk period: 1.0
Chip Erase delay : 9000 us
BS2 : PC2
RESET disposition : dedicated
RETRY pulse : SCK
serial program mode : yes
parallel program mode : yes
Timeout : 200
StabDelay : 100
CmdexeDelay : 25
SyncLoops : 32
ByteDelay : 0
PollIndex : 3
PollValue : 0x53
Memory Detail :
Block Poll Page
Memory Type Mode Delay Size Indx Paged Size Size #Pages MinW
MaxW ReadBack
----------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ -----
----- ---------
eeprom 65 5 4 0 no 1024 4 0 3600
3600 0xff 0xff
flash 65 6 128 0 yes 32768 128 256 4500
4500 0xff 0xff
lfuse 0 0 0 0 no 1 0 0 4500
4500 0x00 0x00
hfuse 0 0 0 0 no 1 0 0 4500
4500 0x00 0x00
efuse 0 0 0 0 no 1 0 0 4500
4500 0x00 0x00
lock 0 0 0 0 no 1 0 0 4500
4500 0x00 0x00
calibration 0 0 0 0 no 1 0 0 0
0 0x00 0x00
signature 0 0 0 0 no 3 0 0 0
0 0x00 0x00
Programmer Type : USBTINY
Description : USBtiny simple USB programmer
avrdude.exe: Setting SCK period to 1 usec
avrdude.exe: initialization failed, rc=-1
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.
avrdude.exe done. Thank you.
I was able to upload from the Arduino software and also using your avrdude commands from the Windows command prompt through the USBTinyISP using the ICSP headers on my Arduino duemilanove board. I read the USBTinyISP site and they have a whole page on this error (
http://www.ladyada.net/make/usbtinyisp/help.html). They claim it is always an issue with the the arduino's hardware. I checked to make sure that everything is connected probably and they are. Did you have your RFM12 hooked up to the board you flashed to lastnight? If not could you try your ICSP on a board that does? I do have the RFM12 hooked up. I wonder if having the RFM12 hooked up to the MOSI/SCK/Reset is keeping the MISO/MOSI/SCK/Reset pins from switching. Just an idea...thoughts?? Anyone else want to test this?? Dave P wanna check this out? It would be good to fix this issue on the next version if in fact it is an issue. I am getting sick of pulling the 328 out to program it when I change the code.
Oh Dave P....I got a garbled display for a couple minutes this afternoon...then it went away. Second time it has done this. Probably the diode.